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herndy_1 05-21-2008 09:34 PM

The Dumps
Why do I feel like I hate my car right now? To start, I don't even feel like dealing with the pain in the ass of fixing my passenger side. I took it in for an estimate today. The body shop is an hour from where I live, which blows, but they do the best work around. My front fender isn't going to be replaced, just repaired, so it probably will never be the same. The reasoning behind repairing instead of replacing is that insurance will only pay for an aftermarket, not OEM replacement fender because my car is more than 5 years old. It's some dumb law or something. And not to mention they would have to blend paint into the hood if they replaced the fender completely. It is also going to take them about a week to get it back to me. I am only home for 3 weeks (2 left) before I have to go back to school and won't have much time to work on the car. I have 3.73's and a t-lok that have been sitting in a box for over a year waiting until I actually have the time to have them installed. I have leaking valve cover gaskets that I need to replace sometime before I go back to school. My automatic transmission is pissing me off, I don't think my shifts could be much slower. And not to mention my car is SLOW and still doesn't get great gas mileage. I am seriously debating getting rid of the damn thing. It's become nothing but a huge pain in my ass. I dont know...

rebelyell 05-21-2008 11:49 PM

Yep, you took a cosmetic hit on that one. But remember, unless your entering car shows or stuff, nobody will probably notice anything is not perfect. You got a good looking stang. And of course any wrecked car won't be perfect after repairs. I mean as far as flawlessly perfect. Mustangs are cheap as far as most cars are concerned. This won't be the only car you'll ever own. But I can imagine your anguish. If my car got rammed like you did, I would be seriously down in the dumps, I got like one little scratch on my car, and 1 or 2 itty bitty chips on the front bumper, but to me they look like craters on the moon when I'm cleaning her up.. Nobody else sees them though.. And I aint winning any trophies for looks, just driving to work and stuff.. LOL. Lighten up, it will all work out.. :smokin:

herndy_1 05-22-2008 06:56 AM

Yeah, I don't really expect it to be perfect, but the car is really starting to become nothing but a pain. I seriously wonder sometimes where Ford's NV engineers were when they designed this. I am pretty sure there isn't a piece of the dash that doesn't rattle or squeak or make some kind of noise.

krazypony 05-22-2008 08:32 AM

a new car squeks and rattles when it comes to ford mustangs, they are not BMW's or Cadillacs for gods sake. I know how you feel, because when my old 2001 was sitting on the wrecker I was so pissed!

It will get better, I know your in school right now and want a hot car to turn some heads, but who doesnt. It will take some time and I am sure you will get it back on track again...just keep your head high!

herndy_1 05-23-2008 10:17 AM

Haha, I am 20 years old, a Mechanical Engineering student, and an intern at Toyota. Thanks.

V6_Mustang_Power 05-23-2008 10:21 AM

it a 6'er or GT?

ha nvm, read under your name.

01FR500 05-23-2008 11:35 AM

I know what you mean. I started to hate my v6, that's why I got the GT. I hated it even more when I was trying to sell it. I lost all respct for that car. It was time for something new.

Black Sunshine 05-23-2008 11:51 AM

It'll get better with time. I know exactly how you feel.

My '93 4 banger has had about $5,000 worth of repairs, and that's more than twice of what it's worth. It has had new brakes, 2 sets of new tires in 3 years, it has had numerous electrical problems, and has probably spent a total of 6 months in shops. My alternator literally caught on fire, burned up most of my wires, and I had to have the whole car re-wired, because we weren't sure what caused it. It's had a radiator put in it, 3 batteries, new water pump, new steering rods, new exhaust, new ignition, new coil packs, and the bastard of all bastards, a new transmission. So many other things, I can't even think of them all. I was so pissed at first, I was ready to unload the damn thing and let someone else worry about it... but I didn't. I just shelled out the money, fixed it, and drove it until I got another Mustang.

I couldn't be happier that I decided to keep it. I am lucky and proud to have two cars, let alone two Mustangs (even though the '93 is a 2.3 liter).

Just ride it out if you can, man. Good things will come to those who wait... most of the time. :p I hope everything turns out well for you.

herndy_1 05-24-2008 12:44 PM

Thanks everyone. Haha, so an 04 Competition Orange Mach 1 manual transmission just showed up at a local dealership. A perfect car, not the perfect price, haha. They are asking 19,000 for it. Is that not ridiculous?

doobie 05-24-2008 03:49 PM

i was at carmax last weekend and saw an 03 Azure Blue Mach1 with 11,xxx SOLD for 9,400. i was insulted, mainly because i didn't see it first.

if i had even saw that car listed i don't even know what i would do. buy it and try to sell it for more or just buy it and drive it! whoever it was got an insane deal.

Justin99gtconv 05-24-2008 04:51 PM

Wow $9400, must of been a real piece of shit!

doobie 05-24-2008 06:07 PM

it must have been in an accident, thats the only way i can rationalize the price.

rebelyell 05-24-2008 09:53 PM

19K sounds about right for an 04 Mach 1 , depending on how well it was cared for and stuff,etc. 04 stangs seem to hold their value very well, around here anyway. Maybe cause it was the last year model style. I remember looking at an 02 comp orange Mach in 03, While shopping for my wifes car. They wanted 32 K for it. in 03, It made me decide to get a stang in 04 because that Mach 1 was sweet, :)

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