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V6_Mustang_Power 03-24-2008 09:26 PM

your relationship...
hows it going for you and your girl? just wondering how often do you do vacations, out to eat, doing stuff together(besides sitting at home watching movies and what not).

StreetRacer 03-24-2008 09:36 PM

you take yours out?? i just like havin sex with mine and sending her home...i figure when its time to hang out thats what the fellas are for

V6_Mustang_Power 03-24-2008 09:38 PM

are you serious? lol

macs03GT 03-24-2008 10:10 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 318508)
you take yours out?? i just like havin sex with mine and sending her home...i figure when its time to hang out thats what the fellas are for

lol amen....

rebelyell 03-24-2008 10:11 PM

I've been on Vacation since Friday with my wife and kid. Already she's been pissed at me at least 3 times. I've got a slight cold going on and I can't do the things I wanted to do cause I feel shitty. She's mad cause I didn't go with her for easter at her brothers house. But it didn't last long. She's cool with it now. If I don't feel like doing something with her then, I aint gonna do it. She know's that and bitches about it, but the next day she's ok. Same with me. If she doesn't want to do something I want to do. Then it aint a big deal. You gotta have give and take with any realtionship.. :cool:

StreetRacer 03-24-2008 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by V6_Mustang_Power (Post 318509)
are you serious? lol

well be honest sometimes we do go have in public in the car...i mean really...who would you rather go to the game with...her or your best bro...whos gonna help ya in a bar fight? and when you are feeling introspective and downing irish whiskey in the back yard at 2am, who ya gonna talk about life and shit with? once again ...your best bro...and once the fellas help you get life in can go in the house and drill the gal again before passin out to sleep...for goodness sake laddy, you only spend money to get the girl...once you have her...wellllllllllll

whitethunder46 03-25-2008 07:34 AM

Been datin' my girl for 2 1/2 years.

We're actually going up to Notre Dame today to visit her bro. (4 1/2 hour drive one way). We are in Spring Break, so it'll be a good mini vacation.
We also went to the Detroit Auto Show a couple months ago, went to Pittsburgh for a concert last summer, and then this summer we really want to rent a cabin in TN.
Out to eat, maybe once a week (not fast food). We don't live together, but we spend most of our days with each other.
She's awesome though because she loves sports. I swear she's into this NCAA bracket stuff more than I am, and that's saying something. We also to a lot of Cincinnati Reds games. I think 10-12 of them last year. Also used to go to a lot of hockey games (AA minor league team here in Dayton). Also a Single "A" minor baseball team here in Dayton (Dragons). Go to those some too.

01FR500 03-25-2008 08:16 AM

I've been with my girl for 6 years next month and its been good times all that way through. We try to go out once a week and do something, watch a movie usually, dinner. The school shows movies that haven't came out on dvd yet but arn't in the theaters, it's free and includes food haha. We have bikes that we ride all the time when the weather is nice. We go on a vacation about once a year now. Mexico one year, a cruise across the gulf to Mexico the next, Galvestion the year after that. Chicago is going to be the vacation for this summer, she has family there. First time I've been father north than South Carolina.

PureStang 03-25-2008 08:26 AM

me and my girl....heh...i spend as much money on her as i can. every time i see something that she needs or wants.....she gets it without a single thought. she gets everything for me. no matter how much the bill is, i pay for everything when i am with her. i have spent about 2500 on her in the 2+ years we have been together.

what? im talking about the

jjtgiants 03-25-2008 08:59 AM

My wife and I have been together for almost 6 years, and married for almost 6months and things are great! We try to go on weekend trips as much as we can. During college football season we'll head down to LA for USC games (5 hour drive) once every couple of months, hit up Tahoe (3 1/2 hour drive) or Vegas (1 hour flight) every now and again. We recently went to one of those lame time share presentations and didn't buy jack squat, but we recieved a free trip to Vegas and Tahoe!

00blkstanggt 03-25-2008 11:39 AM

I've been with mine for almost 6 years. We are getting married next month and will be going to the caribbean for some good times. Other than that, we go out to dinner quite a bit and just hang out. We just bought a house so weekends are spent going out buying stuff for the house or fixing things up. We will usually split costs on most things. I'll pay for dinner one day and then she'll get it the next.

jjtgiants 03-25-2008 12:15 PM

Originally Posted by 00blkstanggt (Post 318591)
I've been with mine for almost 6 years. We are getting married next month and will be going to the caribbean for some good times. Other than that, we go out to dinner quite a bit and just hang out. We just bought a house so weekends are spent going out buying stuff for the house or fixing things up. We will usually split costs on most things. I'll pay for dinner one day and then she'll get it the next.

Congrats! Where in the Caribbean are you going? My wife and I went to Tulum (Mexican Yucatan), which I think is considered the Caribbean waters. It was a great trip....your going to have a blast dude.

Crimsonred02 03-25-2008 12:37 PM

The girl I am with now, I have been with before. We broke up a few months ago, and didn't talk for a while. I called it off because she was way too possessive and had too many double standards. She would get pissed at me when I'd send her a text to say "Hey we can't do anything tonight I am going golfing and then out to have a drink or two." and when I told her I was joining a bowling league she freaked out. This girl wanted to see me every day every minute she could. So I told her she needed to stop or it would be over. She didn't stop and eventually I ended it.

A few weeks ago we started talking again. And she is a LOT better than she used to be. I tell her I am going golfing and she says "Okay text me when your done and if we are free maybe I can come over." and when I say I am driving out to Wendover to play poker, she doesn't really like it but she tells me to win money and if Ill stop by on my way out to say bye. It can be annoying at times how much she wants to see me. But I have learned to just put my foot down and tell her how this shit is going to be. Yesterday I sanded my headlights, and she asked if she could come over. I told her "Ill be sanding my headlights and then my Dad wants me to come over and play Rock Band so that is what I am doing, but if you wanna come chill you can."

So she did. It is pretty chill. I have my complaints, but I am sure she and everyone else does too.

Lazerred6 03-25-2008 01:41 PM

My girl and I have been together for 3 1/2 years and we are getting married on May 16 (53 days) Our relationship has had rocky times but we have always gotten though everything together it sounds cheesy but she really is my other half. she even understands when I want to spend time with the guys and I always have a great time with my bros the things is when I am with them I usually can't wait to get back to her. I can talk to her about anything and I can't imagine being happier with anyone else.

Must See 03-25-2008 02:23 PM

Im Single but looking.....

As of current my only love of my life is my Mustang. ha....

mustangrn 03-25-2008 09:45 PM

I really shouldn't have read this thread. I'm all depressed. We've been married for 16 yrs and he's on his second deployment overseas. But when he's home we do everything together as a family, which include working on the cars, my '07, his Magnum RT Hemi, and oldest boys '67 coupe. Make the car a part of the fam and you won't regret it.

WaterDR 03-26-2008 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by whitethunder46 (Post 318537)
Been datin' my girl for 2 1/2 years.

We're actually going up to Notre Dame today to visit her bro. (4 1/2 hour drive one way). We are in Spring Break, so it'll be a good mini vacation.
We also went to the Detroit Auto Show a couple months ago, went to Pittsburgh for a concert last summer, and then this summer we really want to rent a cabin in TN.
Out to eat, maybe once a week (not fast food). We don't live together, but we spend most of our days with each other.
She's awesome though because she loves sports. I swear she's into this NCAA bracket stuff more than I am, and that's saying something. We also to a lot of Cincinnati Reds games. I think 10-12 of them last year. Also used to go to a lot of hockey games (AA minor league team here in Dayton). Also a Single "A" minor baseball team here in Dayton (Dragons). Go to those some too.

Go Irish!

WaterDR 03-26-2008 05:25 PM

Originally Posted by mustangrn (Post 318856)
I really shouldn't have read this thread. I'm all depressed. We've been married for 16 yrs and he's on his second deployment overseas. But when he's home we do everything together as a family, which include working on the cars, my '07, his Magnum RT Hemi, and oldest boys '67 coupe. Make the car a part of the fam and you won't regret it.

Been married for 15 here. Family is #1. We do a lot together. If we are guilty of anything, it is that my wife and don't do enough with just the two of us. We go out frequently enough....but never an overnight.

BTW, my wife and I have survived deployments, relocation across country twice, loosing a daughter to cancer, and hanging wall paper together. There is nothing like having a soul mate.

nyheyman 03-26-2008 06:11 PM

I've been married 21 years!!! Married my love right out of the Marine Corps :t: She's been my best friend through the good and bad times. We have 3 great kids(at times) The secret to a long marriage is to both drink alot of Guinness; God's favorite beer!! Can you tell I'm Irish!!

JackThe Ripper 03-26-2008 06:49 PM

Been with my wife for 19 months, married 7 months, we have a 10 month old baby and i have a 6yr stepsson.

as in yeah, i knocked her up pretty quick. lol.

I can honestly say i have never had a relationship with a woman that even compared to this one.

I think a lot of it has to do with our son of course, and all the time spend in the hospital during his health crashes and his heart surgery. The worst point of it for me was when he was 2 months old and we were in the ICU of Childrens Hospital the third time. Logans health started to crash real hard, every breath he took sounded like a yell, i grabbed a doctor then in a whirlwind next thing you know doctors were swarming around us, they handed logan to rebecca and grabbed all out stuff and made a bee line to the elevator to get to the CICU (cardiac intensive care unit) and i remember logan looking at me over my wifes shoulder and he was pale and his eyes were all sunk in and he was giving me a panicked look that said "HELP ME!" he was literally minuits from death at that point. That was the last time i looked in his eyes untill after his surgery, 15-20 seconds later we got to the CICU and they grabbed him from her and all swarmed around his little bed like a pack of white vultures sitcking tubes down his throat plugging him with IV's, they even had a little baby sized respirator thing.. my wife just collapsed against me, i never felt so small and helpless in my entire life and i know she was feeling all the same things.

Every bit of that is burned in my memory, it still chokes me up. Hardest time of my life, that is a LOT to share with somone you have been with for less than a year. ....

We have easily already been through more what a lot of couples will have to endure for thier entire lives and we had not even known eachother a full year... Rather than push away and seclude ourselves we really learned to lean on each other in times of crisis..,.

I feel as close to my wife as ever and as corney as it may sound i fall in love with her again every time i see her. Even the dumb shit she does i totally love even as it aggrivates me.

Its hard at first when yer dating someone to know weather or not they will be the one. I have had so many disappointments that i really did give up on the whole idea that i would ever find the right person. Right then she entered my life and turned my world upside down.

Im the luckiest guy in the planet. :)

Badfish 03-26-2008 07:26 PM

Originally Posted by V6_Mustang_Power (Post 318504)
hows it going for you and your girl?


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