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rebelyell 03-24-2008 09:04 PM

Nice thread Water. I think people should pay a little more attention to spelling and punctuations. If your like me and ramble after a few beers, it's kinda hard to get it all correct. But, if I see a post with no obvious signs of even trying to use the stuff we learned in basic english, I usually skip reading them.

I will try to use a few basic punctuation marks, and will try to spell correctly, but I have seen the english language murdered on here.. Maybe on purpose or by ignorance, doesn't matter to me. It's been almost 30 years since I was in school. But I still see "blatant disregard" for using the written language, in at the very least, legible. :flamed:

StreetRacer 03-24-2008 09:26 PM

was atlantis real?

HokieStang00 03-25-2008 02:34 AM

As real as Sasquatch.

Crimsonred02 03-25-2008 06:20 AM

I never said I was writing anything perfectly, this is not an English class. I just found it comical that in your post you said to read sentences "outload" (yes I said outloud when I meant to say outload in my previous post) and you either didn't follow your own advice, or missed it the second time around. I chimed in when you called "accept" instead of "except" a typo. Again, I have no problem with it, but let's call a spade a spade. You admitted to fuckin up, so just say you fucked up. Don't call it what it is not. LOL. I did the same thing when I meant to say that you said "outload" and typed "outloud"

spike_africa 03-25-2008 07:19 AM

I struggle with grammar and spelling. My dyslexia owns me most of the time.

r3dn3ck 03-25-2008 07:33 AM

Ahhh dyslexia. Nothing I like better than having to read everything 5 times to make sure I saw it all correctly. I know the feeling.

tsumi88 03-25-2008 07:36 AM

Having a true problem and just being lazy/uneducated are totally different.
I have a friend who is kind of "number dyslexic". He sees the correct number but writes another. He will write 9 for 6, sometimes 16 if he sees 8.... no one knows why.....
he almost failed algebra because of this; he is super smart, just has issues with some numbers... that's an entirely different issue from people who just don't care how they come across just from one sentence.

Crimsonred02 03-25-2008 08:20 AM

The main thing I have with reading is I think I have some sort of ADD. I read for a while and then my head starts drifting, I keep reading but I don't pay attention to what it is. Then after about a page I will snap back into it, realise I don't know what I just read. And have to read it all over again.

r3dn3ck 03-25-2008 08:27 AM

that's just a short attention span and poor impulse control. ADD is a whole nuther' ball game. I used to work with real ADD kids... dayum! they'z some hard to conversate with sumbitches.

Crimsonred02 03-25-2008 08:31 AM

I didn't think I had ADD, but I couldnt think of what else to call it. Short attention span works wonders.

tsumi88 03-25-2008 09:51 AM

heh, i have ADD, ritilan is my buddy. :-)

tsumi88 03-25-2008 09:52 AM

and trust me, my attention span SUCKS!!!
i have the attention span of a cracked out ferret! lol

Crimsonred02 03-25-2008 09:54 AM

The new Honda... I think it is Element... commercial with the dog who just keeps saying "oh look a cloud"... "Look a butterfly"... "Look an easy to clean utility floor."...."Look a flower"... that really reminds me of myself.

tsumi88 03-25-2008 09:57 AM

lol, i know the feeling! lol.
have you ever taken a ritilan??? for most people it's speed-ish, for people like myself, its a mind calmer; it allows you to focus and calm your mind..... good stuff

tsumi88 03-25-2008 09:58 AM

well, as stated earlier, i think this post has set the record for getting off topic; leave it to 2 ADD guys to do it. :-D

StreetRacer 03-25-2008 12:49 PM

lets get a topic count

TUFF 4.6 03-25-2008 08:03 PM

Dr. This was all your fault, covered everything from soup to shit on this one.

mustangrn 03-25-2008 09:29 PM

[quote=r3dn3ck;318114]21 years and a memory like a steel trap. IQ tests I've taken over the years would seem to suggest that t3h pawt has affected me exactly zero as far as cognitive function.

I'll grant that it's a mind altering substance and some find that in itself objectionable but other than the actual high it's completely benign as a substance. Look at it like you would alcohol... shit everybody has their vice, mine just smells hella good.

1. No hangovers ever.
2. Does not cause lung cancer (doesn't help the whole emphysema thing).
3. Does not induce violent behavior.
4. Is not physically addictive. I stop for extended periods regularly to reduce my tolerance and there's never any withdrawl. You'd think there would be by the amount I put down during the smokey times.
5. Has no known lethal limit. Yeah, some newbs get over high and get all paranoid. If you get all pussified and can't take the high and trip out, that's your problem for being a total sissy bitch. You'll live and you'll have some killer dreams.
6. Only side effects are a sandwich and a nap. Just like jackin-off but without the mess.

I know this thread is supposed to be about grammar but the nurse part of me just can't let this go. Pawt most assuredly causes lung cancer!!! It has the same carcinogens that tobacco smoke contains and it is not filtered prior to entering the lungs which makes it even more potent. It is also bad for the emphysema thing, the COPD thing, the asthma thing and the whole breathing thing in general. Truly don't give a tinker's damn if you smoke, but don't fool yourself that it's harmless.

StreetRacer 03-25-2008 09:32 PM

Originally Posted by mustangrn (Post 318851)
I know this thread is supposed to be about grammar but the nurse part of me just can't let this go. Pawt most assuredly causes lung cancer!!! It has the same carcinogens that tobacco smoke contains and it is not filtered prior to entering the lungs which makes it even more potent. It is also bad for the emphysema thing, the COPD thing, the asthma thing and the whole breathing thing in general. Truly don't give a tinker's damn if you smoke, but don't fool yourself that it's harmless.

lol....but must be harmless cause thier neighborhood drug dealer says

Crimsonred02 03-26-2008 07:36 AM

No, it is harmless because he doesn't feel the side effects as he smokes. If he smokes and doesn't die, then it is harmless. Same with guys who drinks themselves stupid twice a day. They feel fine, so there is nothing wrong with it.

r3dn3ck 03-26-2008 08:01 AM

Tobacco users smoke all day every day. A pack-a-day smoker hits 20 full length cigarettes a day for what... 20 years or more, then you start seeing the significant potential for cancers. Your average stoner is gunna toke once maybe twice a day, and (most) won't likely toke down giant cigarette sized blunts every time... more likely a spliff about 1/3 the size of a Marlboro or a pipe with even less. I never said it's 100% safe but cancer ... hah. You're more likely to see the side effects of the munchies first.

You guys act like I'm sayin it's safe... I'm not. I'm saying it's safer than a lot of other options as far as vices go.

r3dn3ck 03-26-2008 08:07 AM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 318852)
lol....but must be harmless cause thier neighborhood drug dealer says

nope... my doctor thinks it's great though. Got me off the liver destroying OTC and narcotic prescription pain meds for my headaches.

Crimsonred02 03-26-2008 08:13 AM

Doing a drug because it isn't "as bad" is like saying you want to start stabbing people in the jaw. It won't kill them as often as stabbing them in the heart, so it is okay to do. HAHA

tsumi88 03-26-2008 08:15 AM

ayup; its far safer than 8 Tylenol to curb a migraine and better than drinking a 375 of beam just to get a solid 8 hours of sleep.
and, like R3D said, if you do not smoke cigs, just pot, you have far less risk of lung cancer..... diabetes, now that's a different story. lol

r3dn3ck 03-26-2008 08:16 AM

you both make sense... we'll just have to agree to disagree on those matters we differ on.

I gotta find me a bag of chips......<wanders off>

Crimsonred02 03-26-2008 08:18 AM

lol your title says "wowbagger" and when I read it I saw "teabagger" and that made me laugh a little on the inside.

mustangrn 03-26-2008 08:20 AM

Originally Posted by r3dn3ck (Post 318889)
Tobacco users smoke all day every day. A pack-a-day smoker hits 20 full length cigarettes a day for what... 20 years or more, then you start seeing the significant potential for cancers. Your average stoner is gunna toke once maybe twice a day, and (most) won't likely toke down giant cigarette sized blunts every time... more likely a spliff about 1/3 the size of a Marlboro or a pipe with even less. I never said it's 100% safe but cancer ... hah. You're more likely to see the side effects of the munchies first.

You guys act like I'm sayin it's safe... I'm not. I'm saying it's safer than a lot of other options as far as vices go.

First of all, tobacco smokers get the benefit of having a filter. Secondly, they don't inhale as deeply or hold for nearly as long as pawt smokers. Hence the carcinogens reach more surface area, are carrying a significantly larger amount of cancer causing agent and are allowed a more significant time to exert their cancer causing effects. Munchies maybe the first side effect you see, but they go away...cancer takes you with it.

I don't know what kind of "doctor" would recommend pawt for headaches but I think he must be smoking some himself.

tsumi88 03-26-2008 08:28 AM

to R3D
"You're a jerk, Dent; a complete arsehole"

Codiddy 03-26-2008 12:15 PM

Pot isn't even a drug. It's just a plant. you put a seed in the dirt and water it, thats the only process. Cocaine bears no resemblance to the natural coca leaves it comes from. Drugs are processed with chemicals. The tylenol we keep referencing is more of a drug than a plant you smoke. I'm with r3d on this one. Even alcohol has more chemical processing and that terrible shit is legal.

StreetRacer 03-26-2008 12:28 PM

pure cocaine is a plant that grows and is ground into dust...just as much a drug as mary jane...maybe more dangerous...pure cocaine is only processed to cut it down so you can sell more from less...whats really funny on this subject is on one side you have scientist, doctors, even a nurse on the forums tellin the potheads that its a narcotic and dangerous...and on the other side you have a buncha potheads sayin "dont listen to any of that..we potheads are sayin its nice and safe" lol....who ya gonna listen to?

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