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NoKturnaL 05-29-2005 01:46 PM

Got a Ticket
I got a $35 Ticket for making an "illegal" left turn. My main concern is my insurance....Will it go up ? or does it only go up if you are speeding or got in a accident....? I'd rather ask ya'll before I call my insurance company to find out.

The messed up thing about this is that 2 cars in front of me took the left turn..then I take and all of a sudden there are blue lights behind ME.!
I wouldnt have taken the left turn if I knew you couldnt though....

hmm..maybe if I was a sexy blonde girl I wouldnt have gotten the $35 ticket!!!!!

MattJ 05-29-2005 01:49 PM

goto court. they will probably take the 35 dollars for a "fine" and drop the ticket.

NoKturnaL 05-29-2005 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by MattJ
goto court. they will probably take the 35 dollars for a "fine" and drop the ticket.

u didnt answer my
Does insurance go UP for iLLegal turns?????????????????????????

and I would rather just pay the ticket....I dont want my Fiance to find out about the ticket...

StangMan04 05-29-2005 02:31 PM

Not sure, not very familiar with tickets, I think only moving violations do, so it might. Go to court, maybe the cop won't show up since it isnt a big ticket. And they will drop it. Hopefully he won't show up.

WaterDR 05-29-2005 03:06 PM

If its a moving violation, it might go up. Your insurance company might give you the first ticket, however.

NoKturnaL 05-29-2005 03:10 PM

if my insurance goes up for an illegal turn then thats just dumb gawd nabbit!!!!!!!!!! :icon_shak

StangMan04 05-29-2005 03:16 PM

yeah, was there a sign saying no left turns? Alot of streets here in the city that won't allow left turns.

swervo 05-29-2005 06:18 PM

I'd say just go to court. See if they'll drop it.

Badfish 05-29-2005 06:24 PM

Call you insurance company...say "hypothetically...if i were to make an illegal left turn...."

madmatt 05-29-2005 08:02 PM

LOL, yea, just go to court and see.

dmark101 05-29-2005 09:16 PM

a moving violation is always reported to the state DMV, which the insurance company will periodically check.

i would see about getting the ticket dropped in court or seeing if traffic school is an option.

Smitty 05-29-2005 10:00 PM

It's a moving violation. Your insurance company depending on your record can take 3 actions. They can let it go if your record is clean enough, raise your premium, or drop you if they consider you hazarderous to their insurance company.

Basically it depends on your age and driving record.

Icefreezen 05-31-2005 06:32 PM

Yeah it's a moving violation. But take it to court and chances are the cop wont even show up and it will automatically get dropped. I got out of a $118 ticket for a similar reson and the guy never showed up.

WikidStang 05-31-2005 06:49 PM

First Ticket...or Ticket a year after the last one Plea "Civil Penalty" and all you have to do is pay the 35 bucks and record is clear. Most courts wont even tell the Ins. Company about the ticket if its small.

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