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Shambles 06-04-2007 10:54 PM

picsorban kthx!

turbojunkie 06-05-2007 07:27 AM

Congrats man glad to hear that your kid is healthy and your wife is doing Great! logan FTMFW lol congrats again!!!!:worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

Jack The Ripper 06-05-2007 10:19 AM

Logan Update
So it has been a long couple days, Logan was born, but not without cause for concern, they found a couple heart issues with him and he is now at Childrens Hospital.

The bad....

2 issues were found, the first was a low level of oxygen to his legs and fast breathing which was caused by a bridge between 2 arteries where the blood follows the path of least resistance, which was not to his legs.
The next issue is one of his heart valves does not completly shut when the hear contracts which causes blood to regurgitate backwards. This is not a good thing.

The Good :

1) He is at childrens hospital in denver colorado, it is a world renouned hospital and we have the chief cardiologist on logans case, he is probably the best pediatric heart doctor in the planet, so for that we are very grateful. People travel hundreds if not thousands of miles to have thier children seen at this hospital.

2) That issue of oxygen to the legs looks to be resolving itself nicely on its own and we do not expect that issue to resolve itself.

3) They have done several echocardiograms and this is not occurrring with every hearbeat, and may be lessening and lessening. Logan was rather impatient and demanded to be born

3 weeks early, and he might still be sealing everything up
Logan looks heathier every day, he has a strong grip, he is doing fine on his own, and they will be moving him out of the cardiovascular intencive care unit to another ward. But first they want to run a camera up his leg and take a look at his heart and see if they want to take any action or see if this improves over time.

So, right now:
we are at home getting cleaned up and getting showers. Rebecca is on the phone right now with the doctors and she isnt freaking out so i take that as a good sign. Apparently logan is hungry and rebecca is sad she is not there to feed him. lol.

At first this was all very scary, we have no had much sleep and we went fromt the joy of having a baby to the fear of losing him., but the more we learn the more we are confidant everything will be ok in the end. not out of the woods yet, but we can almost see the tree line.

theponyfactor 06-05-2007 10:29 AM

Congratulations! Hope everything goes ok, sounds like it is. Keep us updated.

Shambles 06-05-2007 10:34 AM

He looks all squishy!!

I want to squeeze those cheeks!

Just remember Jack...**** Formula...go Boobs.

Codiddy 06-05-2007 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by Shambles (Post 267090)
He looks all squishy!!

I want to squeeze those cheeks!

Just remember Jack...**** Formula...go Boobs.

seriously, boobs FTW when it comes to making the baby strong and healthy.
Good to hear that he is okay, he will be in everyones prayers.

Icefreezen 06-05-2007 07:16 PM

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ha ha ha had too.....

Congrats and good thing Logan is gonna be alright.

LOOT 06-05-2007 08:18 PM

I'll say a prayer for your son. Everything will work out fine dude.

PColav6 06-06-2007 08:30 AM

I never said it yet but congrats jack, good for you man.

Here's pic for you non MHL guys that slither posted

rebelyell 06-07-2007 12:09 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Dude, He looks real good. He will be just fine. Also Formula will work just as good if not better than titty milk. My son came out with the umbilical cord hanging his lil ass. plus my wife was having serious problems with water breakage and stuff. Childbirth aint easy even when everything is normal.. But in 15 years you'll look like me.. LOL..

01GTBlown 06-07-2007 06:19 AM

Congrats dude! Keep us updated. Mine turns a year old this saturday :)

madmatt 06-07-2007 08:04 AM

Congrats man, glad things went okay and are getting better daily. Its funny you mention the heart center in Denver, and I dont know if its the same person, but a friend of mine's dad is in the premature center in Denver and she was talking about how it is the best in the nation for premature births and the amazing things they can do. I have no doubt Logan will be fine :)

Gorgeous kid, hows the mom doing?

Rabbit 06-08-2007 02:12 PM

congrats on the kid!

Jack The Ripper 06-09-2007 12:25 PM

4 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by madmatt (Post 267592)
Congrats man, glad things went okay and are getting better daily. Its funny you mention the heart center in Denver, and I dont know if its the same person, but a friend of mine's dad is in the premature center in Denver and she was talking about how it is the best in the nation for premature births and the amazing things they can do. I have no doubt Logan will be fine :)

Gorgeous kid, hows the mom doing?

That has got to be the same place, there was a kid in the area next to us (seperated with curtains) with some sort of a resperatory infection, the kid was flown in from somoloia.


im at home, we finally got to bring logan home last night around 6pm. He will be on oxygen for a couple weeks and they are going to try to treat his heart valve issue with mediciation. Were just glad to be home, 6 days in the freakin hospital, living on a crappy army cot in a 4x8ft room with a crib with other sick dying kids seperated away by a curtain is a pretty rough thing to endure.
It is a realy crushing blow when a little baby pops out and he seems so perfect, just to find out he has some "heart problems" and not able to know anything more. We diddnt even know if he would survive the day, that was rough.

on another note, my friend jonny and his wife are expecting, they found high levels of (insert medical word here) in her blood, which means either
A) She is ok and the baby is ok.
b) High probability of down syndrome in the baby
c) good chance the plecenta stopped feeding the baby and the baby is dead.

thats pretty rough for thgem, especially when we just came home with a beautiful little boy.

Anyways, here is a pic of logan, he is a little bit yellow from jaundice, but he is doing well.
and no i am not lactating.

madmatt 06-09-2007 12:36 PM

SO glad to see he's home. That alone is a huge step in the positive direction. Ill keep you and the fam in my thoughts and prayers Jack.

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