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v6'stang 06-01-2007 07:48 PM

+1 with the abercrappy and bitch stores and hollister too...i feel as if some of their dude sales ppl are gonna try to sneak up behind me and try to ass rape me or sumthin'..buhhh. anyways, i boycott ALL habeeb gas stations. sunoco and racetrac are the only ones i'll go to. i can't stand hearing that same damn line from them, "thank you, please come again!". and big tire companies. i'd rather take my business to the lil guys rather then the big name brand tire places. they all get the same tires, so why put ur money to the big storefront? i'd rather see a lil mom n pop company survive then see a big company get richer.

r3dn3ck 06-02-2007 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by SpinMedia (Post 266053)
The whole world revolves around business. You cant just flame on someone because because you think their lazy cheese eaters. France has their reasons to back down from many things such as wars. Imagine your neighbors having nuclear missles and your military forces not being the strongest ones out there. specially when you live in such a clutteres high populated country and not a desert, you cant just put your country at risk, everything is happening for a reason.

France is full of cowards, it always has been and it always will be. Beside that they're by and large massively racist, hyper nationalist and they can't manage to solve some of the most severe issues of international terrorists calling France home because it's easy to live there unnoticed by the shitty commie pinko government. Yeah... I can hate a whole country. Just like I hate Sudan, Canada, Venezuela and China. I hate France, I dislike the french on an individual basis and I wish they would just all go away and take their shitty micro-portioned food with them to Hell. Was that too vigorous?

Originally Posted by 00blkstanggt (Post 266069)
Walmarts dirty, theres crap all over the floors and I can't stand the people in there. Sure it's cheap, but not really any cheaper then like Target. Plus they treat their lower employees like crap and pay them horribly. Granted, a good portion of them are probably illegal, but the execs and higher up guys make a crap load of money. Walmart could disappear and I could careless.

W00t. I don't go there. Ever. My wife sometimes does but we prefer the mom and pop shops that give Livermore it's small town charm... kinda like p-town.

Originally Posted by '02SilverBullet (Post 266239)
This one isnt that hard for me to boycot. But I dont like BET (Black Entertainment Television). I feel like its a double standard in racial issues. I dont consider myself a racists, but I truly feel like if I started a WPN (White Peoples Network) and put it on air I would get shut down....citing racism. But BET isnt "RACIST"...... ..I call BS...... It would be racist if the roles were reversed! :hittingthefan:

Mega dittos. I tried starting a Caucasoid Students Association at my high school after La Raza and the Black Student Union got started and officially sanctioned by the school board. They instead discussed expelling me. Granted it was 15 years ago... race relations were a bit more strained at the time. The school board wouldn't even hear the description of the group or the mission statement (to learn and share research about the common cultural evolution of western european societies... not even racist). I dropped the idea since giving up meant I could continue selling pot in school.

LOOT 06-02-2007 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by '02SilverBullet (Post 266239)
This one isnt that hard for me to boycot. But I dont like BET (Black Entertainment Television). I feel like its a double standard in racial issues. I dont consider myself a racists, but I truly feel like if I started a WPN (White Peoples Network) and put it on air I would get shut down....citing racism. But BET isnt "RACIST"...... ..I call BS...... It would be racist if the roles were reversed! :hittingthefan:

You're totally right. That's because only white males can be considered racist anymore. :confused: I'm not a racist either but it's not right. It should be equal treatment for all, not special treatment for some... but it's not. As for boycotting I wish I could boycott Walmart but that's all we have to choose from around here. I have for years bought American made products whenever possible. If that's not possible I figure if it's an American owned company it's still better than a foreign owned company. Ex: Microsoft makes the Xbox 360 in china but it's american owned. Sony makes the PS3 in china and they are a Japanese company. To me I would think that supporting the company who at least is owned by Americans would help our economy more than buying from a foreign owned company but then again what do I know... Lol.. :D

Badfish 06-02-2007 10:52 AM

Bad movies. **** all those bullshit movies that companys just puke out to see how much money they can make. pisses me right off. i'm pretty good at judging movies by theyre cover....i made the mistake of going to see spiderman 3 (the Venom temptaion was too much for me, he's just bad ****in ass) and i felt raped after watching it. raped, mugged, and sick. so i say **** big movie company bullshit made for your buck.

zigzaggthefag321 06-02-2007 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by '02SilverBullet (Post 266239)
This one isnt that hard for me to boycot. But I dont like BET (Black Entertainment Television). I feel like its a double standard in racial issues. I dont consider myself a racists, but I truly feel like if I started a WPN (White Peoples Network) and put it on air I would get shut down....citing racism. But BET isnt "RACIST"...... ..I call BS...... It would be racist if the roles were reversed! :hittingthefan:


StormsGT 06-02-2007 01:47 PM

I'm with you on the china thing,its hard. Someday we'll be at war with them and we are giving them what they need to kick our ass. Don't think it will be fought on china's soil. Its going to be right here in the good'ol U.S. of A. We better wake the hell up people.

StreetRacer 06-02-2007 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by StormsGT (Post 266394)
I'm with you on the china thing,its hard. Someday we'll be at war with them and we are giving them what they need to kick our ass. Don't think it will be fought on china's soil. Its going to be right here in the good'ol U.S. of A. We better wake the hell up people.

good god i agree with stormsgt...someone musta slipped somethin in my drink...ofcourse..before china becomes a problem we'll be back at war with whatever group of monkeys they put in charge over in iraq

LOOT 06-02-2007 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by StormsGT (Post 266394)
I'm with you on the china thing,its hard. Someday we'll be at war with them and we are giving them what they need to kick our ass. Don't think it will be fought on china's soil. Its going to be right here in the good'ol U.S. of A. We better wake the hell up people.

I agree too. I don't claim to know much but the way I see it it's just rediculous how the US doesn't allow trade with a communist nation like Cuba but it's ok with China??? Do we even have any kind of tarriffs on goods coming in from China? I'd say if there is it's VERY little. The way I see it as long as the huge corporations are making a killing off of the cheap labor in China and as long as they are funding the campaigns of our leaders we won't see any change. This whole thing with China is a bad thing in my opinion but there is BIG BIG money in it. Money influences how our country is ran. These corporations have big money and big power and if they want free unlimited trade with China our leaders have and will continue to give them that. I don't trust them. We are making them richer and richer. One day they will rise up I'm afraid.

r3dn3ck 06-03-2007 08:32 AM

that was one of the more lucid, well thought out responses I've seen however; I disagree that we'll be at war with China anytime in the future. China has been manipulating their currency for so long and fiddling with every other underpinning of their economy that they are DOOMED to a rather large and long lasting depression. There's only so much a government can subsidize a partially privatized economy before it runs into a genuine financial crisis. So what are they going to do about it, well they're sorta already doing it. They're more rapidly privatizing business and industry and forcing foreign investment in specific industries while protecting others in order to force other countries currencies to float the Chinese economy until their output in dollar value matches the actual expense.

The big problem with China's idiotic economic policy is that it relies on cheap to free labor. Any slave labor population will eventually rise up. Besides that with roughly 25 years worth of oil left to be extracted from the whole world, china will have to find a new fuel, which is already in wide use and gaining in the US (ethanol and soy diesel will replace petrol in 10-15 years). They'll be behind the curve again and they'll suffer unthinkable economic penalties for riding the slave labor train till it stopped.

Not to mention china has other MAJOR problems that stop it from being able to actually win any kind of war. 1, they're still using 1950's rocket technology that they STOLE from the former USSR. If you can't even use your own tech to get some bloke into space for 3 measly orbits... we'll nuke your ass if you screw with us. They could never get enough people across the pond without us seeing it and responding in kind. Chinese weapons are known the world over for failing catastrophically (their legendary manufacturing quality), their military is frequently corruptable and in their last engagement (korea) largely unarmed. They have no less than 3 unfriendly nations that share borders. Japan which has unlimited technology and hates China is just off the coast and must absorb the first strike thereby giving us plenty of warning. China's military has never had a true test of their skills. The single biggest conflict they've ever seen was Korea and we killed hundreds of thousands of them during their "human wave" attacks. They were ineffective at doing more than bleeding. Massive populations defy the supply requirements of massive armies. During wartime you must divert a %age of domestic supplies (sugar, rice, coffee, cooking oil, etc...) to war supplies. The people at home must be able to live without it. The chinese by and large eek out a subsistence living farming those commodities. Subsistence means just enough to live... Imagine the millions of starving deaths if they were to have a war with someone like us that lasted more than a few weeks.

Finally, remember that in military circles there's an addage: You can't win a land war in Asia. So, China would be beyond stupid to make any sort of war outside their continent since they have us over a land barrel there. If they come to our side of the world, they'll be erased by the largely armed populace of the western hemisphere. Asia in general and China in particular is at least too big for us to hold with any kind of conventional force. So, to win we'd have to smash them like we did Iraq. It'll leave their country in just as big a mess as smashing the Iraqui government had on that land and so, we'd never even do it. Both sides know the outcome... so both sides decided not to fight directly.

No we'll have another Korea or Vietnam. Where we use some other country to fight with a Super Power by proxy.

razorjr07 06-03-2007 08:43 AM

Originally Posted by 00blkstanggt (Post 266226)
I now boycott California Pizza Kitchen. They got rid of my favorite pizza for some dumb excuss of it not being time efficient enough for them. Does it really take that long to slap some mushrooms onto a pizza? Come on, they can now go to hell.

i boycott Fat Kats Pizza. i think its just a local thing but they got rid of the best ice cream place in town.....i love cats though, they taste like chicken.

LOOT 06-03-2007 09:08 AM

Originally Posted by r3dn3ck (Post 266541)

The big problem with China's idiotic economic policy is that it relies on cheap to free labor. Any slave labor population will eventually rise up. Besides that with roughly 25 years worth of oil left to be extracted from the whole world, china will have to find a new fuel, which is already in wide use and gaining in the US (ethanol and soy diesel will replace petrol in 10-15 years). They'll be behind the curve again and they'll suffer unthinkable economic penalties for riding the slave labor train till it stopped.

That was a great post r3dn3ck. I totally see what you mean and it makes a lot of sense. As for what you said too about them using so much oil. I've heard people say that China is one of the reasons the oil prices are so high. WHat I've heard is because of all the crap that China makes with plastics they are causing a HUGE demand for oil. From what I've read the US uses the most but China is right behind us. I've heard others say that China uses more... I'm not sure which is right. Either way though they're using a rediculous amount. Also I'm sure China does nothing to control pollution from these factories. The whole planet's environment suffers from their sweatshops. Man China just sucks. lol...

r3dn3ck 06-03-2007 09:35 AM

china uses more oil by-products than anyone including the US but they refine very little oil and use less gasoline than we do. In the next few years as their burgeoning middle class comes online wanting things and cars and happiness they're going to surpass the US oil consumption by leaps and bounds.

They have zero pollution controls in place and they are known to pollute MASSIVE tracts of land and waterways as a matter of convenience. Fortunately most of the actual plastics used throughout the world are produced in pelletized form here in the US and in Canada and Mexico. It's a fairly clean and easy process to turn certain hydrocarbons and by-products into plastics so making them here assures the US of a slice of the shitty-chinese-made-toy pie. We sell them the plastic (money stays in the US, plastic leaves) they make crap out of plastic (money stays in China, plastic stays), they sell horrid crap here (money leaves the US, plastic returns).

Anyone but me see the long term costs of such a system? Anyone that's a student of California history knows this kind of economic Ponzi scheme can only end 1 way. With us pulling the maufacturing back on-shore.

StormsGT 06-06-2007 09:26 AM

Interesting stuff. But I bet someone on here is a big fan of this guy. CITGO GAS---CHECK THIS OUT!

>Diane Sawyer on ABC news interviewed the Venezuelan leader Chavez just last
>week -- March 2007 He is so dangerous, and you can tell he is thrilled to
>be selling oil toAmerica and having a foot on the throat of this country.
>He is something else. If you did not hear the interview, the following was
>discussed and it is true. They have all this money coming in and the
>majority of his own people are living in poverty and he is so rich. He is
>best of friends with Castro and Russian leaders. He told Diane Sawyer that
>he was friends with all the world leaders, but President Bush is as dumb as
>a 'donkey'.
> CITGO CHANGING NAME...this is serious Americans...make sure you
>read ...
> Chavez is NOW getting a Russian Weapons Factory built by Putin .
> The RUSSIANS are building an AK-47 Kalashnikov Assault Rifle
>factory in
> Venezuela , to give armament support to Communist Rebel groups
> the Americas .
> Chavez NOW has IRANIANS operating his oil refineries in Venezuela
>for him.
> It is likely only a matter of time, if not already, before Chavez
> Iranian built LONG RANGE missiles , with a variety of warhead
>types aimed
> at: Guess Who?
> CITGO is NOW in the process of Changing Its Name to PETRO EXPRESS
>due to
> the loss of gasoline sales in the USA due to the recent publicity
> ownership by Chavez of Venezuela.
> Every dollar you spend with CITGO or PETRO EXPRESS gasoline will
>be used against you, your basic human rights, and your freedoms. He will
>start wars here in the Americas that will probably be the death of millions
>of free people.
> THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT because Chavez is starting to feel the loss
>of revenue from his holdings. HE OWNS CITGO. This is a very important move
>that everyone should be aware of.

2Eighty1 06-06-2007 09:38 AM

Agreed with what most have said

r3dn3ck 06-06-2007 09:48 AM

punishing chavez is a goal we should all shoot for. he's fuggin with our hobby directly and only adding instability to the world oil market. someone needs to put a bullet in his head.

LOOT 06-06-2007 01:48 PM

No more Citgo for me.

Codiddy 06-06-2007 11:40 PM

Originally Posted by LOOT (Post 267409)
No more Citgo for me.

been telling everyone i know to avoid citgo like the plague, I will have to add petro express to that

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