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Jack The Ripper 12-13-2006 11:59 AM

Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 231783)
I didn't watch the video. I don't have an hour of free time to watch it. And those of you who do and complain about taxes should spend more time working on your finances instead of wasting time.

The Federal Govenment is huge and supports us in ways we do not even begin to think about.

Here's a quick list off the top of my head of what our Federal Government does for us:
Federal Aviation Administration - Without them we have no air travel.
Federal Communications Commission - Without them we would be getting screwed on our phone bills.
Federal Highway Administration - Not all of our roads are maintained by cities and states. Imagine the US with our freeways.
Food & Drug Administration - They keep our food safe.
NASA - Laugh, but most of the things we have today we have because we went into space and learned how to create things better. The micochips used in our computers and cell phones come to mind.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - My god, could you imagine running nuclear plants with our local city governments in charge of them?
U.S. Forest Service - Um, I was told today that 40% of California is owned by the Federal Government. I guess these guys aren't important; I mean, We can just all stand by and watch it burn the next time fire season rolls around.

Yeah, I used to complain too. Until one day I discovered that my boss got back more in taxes than I made that year. That's when it hit me. I was reporting what I made each year and then paying taxes on it. Wrong way to do it. Now I write everything off. All of the interest I pay on my two houses is a write off. I also have a small business, a consulting firm, and every time I take a trip I meet with my clients - and write that off. It's a beautiful system; The rich get richer because they know how and the poor stay poor.

I would like to see us go to a flat tax system. Tax the daylights out of business with huge profits, and tax the people that make a lot of money (over $200k). Anyone making less than $60k a year should not be taxed. No expcetions, no child care credits or write offs. That would change a lot.

Hey Richard, If you want to be a good little idiot and pay tons of money to bankers you go right ahead. Personally i think you are ignorant like the 90% of americans.
So, if you feel like LEARNING something, take a look at the vieo. If not, blow it out yer ass

EDIT: Ok, sorry, that was a bit out of line. But seriously,. LOOK INTO THIS STUFF. Federal income tax is the biggest robbery in the history of the world. That money is NOT GOING TO GOVERNEMNT PROGRAMS, it goes to pay INTEREST to the banks that the FEDERAL GOVT has to BORROW from, when before 1913 the govt had the ability to PRINT its OWN money.

So. If we get rid of the national reserve and IRS, give the mints BACK to the governemnt, then the INTEREST the govt pays to BORROW its OWN money is non existant and we can ELIMINATE federal income tax and the GOVT will NOT lose any money.

All we are paying is interest. NONE of your federal income tax goes to the military, none to the war, none to the govt programs, non to roads. ALL that is covered 100% by other taxes.

Jack The Ripper 12-13-2006 12:03 PM

Originally Posted by FalloutGod (Post 231785)
We can all agree on that it isn't fair but actions speak louder then words. :nunu: This system wasn't just implemented over night. Americans have been living and being penny pinched by it forever. It seems the country as a whole is perfectly fine with it since nothing is being done about it though. Am I correct in that statement or has something gone over my head?

Its the fact that 90% of americans have NO clue what happens to the money taken by the federal income tax, and 90% of americans believe there is a law stating they should be taxed.

The federal govt used to make the money when they want. Up untill 1913. Now the federal government has to BORROW its OWN money from the federal reserve and pay interest on that.

The interest is where your Federal Tax Dollars go. Not to programs and crap like that. Everyting else is handled by all the other taxes we pay.
You know whwere that interest goes? Into the wallet ofs of BANKERS.

Watch the video. This stuff is not new. It is just something that not enough people know about.

We could easily abolish the national treasury, give the money BACK to the federal reserve, and NOT pay any federal INCOME tax and the govt will STILL have all the money it needs for stuff.

Federal income tax was a scam some bankers pulled off by convincing the govt to create the IRS and National Reserve.

Watch the video. My jaw DROPPED when the IRS COMMISSIONER said that the SUPREME COURT RULINGS are IRRELEVANT...

jjtgiants 12-13-2006 01:03 PM

Very interesting video jack! Although it's very eye opening, but it looks like I'll be paying my illegal federal income tax this year...ha ha....I wouldn't do well in jail.

Jack The Ripper 12-13-2006 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by jjtgiants (Post 231877)
Very interesting video jack! Although it's very eye opening, but it looks like I'll be paying my illegal federal income tax this year...ha ha....I wouldn't do well in jail.

yah.... Ya know, i could handle the whole federal income tax thing if they werent so damn shifty about it. The entire thing needs to be overhauled. The issue i have is my income tax is paying interest to a bunch of fat cat bankers, not for government programs. I definalty believe in paying taxes, but in this case, all we do is give some rich people more money. its rediculous.

and hell yah im filling out a tax form this year, i should be getting back over 3k


jjtgiants 12-13-2006 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper (Post 231880)
yah.... Ya know, i could handle the whole federal income tax thing if they werent so damn shifty about it. The entire thing needs to be overhauled. The issue i have is my income tax is paying interest to a bunch of fat cat bankers, not for government programs. I definalty believe in paying taxes, but in this case, all we do is give some rich people more money. its rediculous.

and hell yah im filling out a tax form this year, i should be getting back over 3k


Yeah I totally hear ya! I just wish I was in on the scam! ha ha ha....I'm kidding. I see it as robbery!

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