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PColav6 10-05-2006 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by SpinMedia (Post 211284)
Really, the responses I wanted to hear were about it, not about how gay you think it is. And to be completely honest with you, Your opinions on this forum are completely ignored and I and several other people dont give a **** about your opinions. You came into this forum and acted as if you owned it all with your crappy ass stang and your oh so "mods" done to it. And then you give shit to other people and their cars. You have only been here for a few weeks, and for you to have the right to diss other people on this boards? Specially someone like dsdaddy?, who the F-UCK do you think you are? seriously just get the **** out of here.

Where/when did I ever diss dsdaddy? The whole "that's so gay" thing, is called should have learned about such a thing in your 8th grade english class.

Few weeks? Few months anyway..

Crappy ass stang? Where's your stang? Oh wait - you ****in wrecked it!

If my opinions are completely ignored on this forum, then why did you even respond to me?

I don't really talk shit about people's cars, I give opinions, which should be expected on the internet.....but anyways, lets start about you, maybe you didn't catch this post I made in response to one of your little smartass comments, let me dig this up

Originally Posted by SpinMedia
yeah you wouldn't want anyone to hit your ferrari or dirty them 20's of yours

Atleast I have my OWN car in my driveway instead of driving someone elses.

Do you even have a Mustang? You drive around in some guy's vette (not your own), and talk **** about everything and act like you're better than anyone else here,I think you plan on getting a C6, but until then don't act like you have one of your own.., **** I could drive around in my mother's friend's husband's Vanquish V12, or Carrera GT, or Lambo Gallardo, (he owns a European import dealership) and be like you if I wanted to but I'd rather not be a fake ass.. All you do is post "I'm going to buy this, or this, or this", or "wrecked this, selling this", or "my buddy's (insert car name here, $30,000 cost minimum)", most of which you haven't even produced much info of (except your buddys' cars, of course,) so for all I know 60% of everything that comes from you is completely BS'd..didn't you used to have a V6? Seems like a top notch Mortgage broker like yourself with friends parading around in lambos and Vettes would be able to get your hands on something a little more glorious than a V6 Mustang.
.even if you do get a c6 in the future, you'll probably **** it up trying to impress your homie buddies, yo. Good lord.
So take that however you want, cold, warm, doesn't matter to me. Post whatever you want to do to try to up yer e-cred.

go cry to your ****ing mom for god sake, hopefully if you beg enough she'll give you money to buy more stickers for your car and you can add them to your mod list too.

You want to know the type of person your going to be? Someone who follows the crowd and will always work for someone and have a crappy ass job. Thats all you are, your a little bitch and will always be someones bitch. Learn to grow balls and not give a **** and respect other people's shit. Its dipshits like you who get their ass beat in school.

BTW, The day your worth more then me and share with me your opinion, the day you work for a trillion dollar industry, when you have executives loaning you supercars, and your part of a non-sh!t talking organization and hit puberty, then your opinion will probably be woth something to me.
Hey you're a cool guy, if you really want to know - I'm 17 years old, and am a junior in the International Baccalaureate program. You probably don't know what this is, so give it a google. But basically if I maintain atleast a 3.5 average GPA In this program, I would be able to get scholarships for colleges across the nation, but I problably won't consider it. Honestly, I could give two shits less about working in a "trillion dollar industry", and drive supercars that I don't own, I'm not interested in driving cars that cost more than a home, to be honest I'd rather have an 03-04 Cobra or GT500 than any fancy European anything. I'd rather enlist into the military and work my way up to something more worthwhile then being a rich punk ass mortgage broker. You may consider the military the career for high school drop outs and people that can't decide what to do with their lives, however, I don't see it like that at all. You say I don't respect people - I give it where it's due, I have some slight respect for you, if you did infact work your way up to being a mortgage broker with enough money to blow on whatever the hell you want without having made any sacrifices in your life. But more than that, I respect anyone whose in our military, sure the paycheck may not be as pretty as your several hundred thousand dollar one, but these guys are out there getting dirty and bloody to allow you to even have that job that you have, and for that I believe that they definately deserve more respect than a lawyer, or broker, or some jackass in wallstreet..I want to go through my life knowing that what I did was more than just totally ****ing someone's life up financially to be able to afford a new condo on Miami beach, if you see that differently from me, that's your opinion and I guess I can't change that.

As for my car, anyway - I had a job but I don't have one now since school started, but have been doing work around my area to get cash. However, my "crappy ass" V6 Mustang wasn't paid in full by my mommy or daddy and given to me as a free ride. I have to pay this car off with whatever money I get, which is why I don't have the money to spend thousands of dollars on mods and which is why I consider, at this point, something as small as bumper inserts to be a mod because it's one of the few things I have. Oh yeah, and you can be sure as shit that I won't be living with my parents when I'm 20 years old.

BTW I've been meaning to ask, do you even have your own car?

And say whatever else you have to say through PM's because you're not worth the ban.

Ghostalker 10-05-2006 05:53 PM

When you really analyze it, the human ear is a weird looking thing. Why not spruce it up?

SpinMedia 10-05-2006 06:00 PM

Want to know the diff here, yes before I was a broker I DID have a 2004 v6 , one that looked a shitload better then yours. And I always respected others with better shit then mine and went around getting respect from others. I rebuilt that stang and sold it. Now what do i drive, I have a 2006 Ford Expedition which is FULLY paid off, and im currently investing money into a new mortgage branch. Want to know what the diff is here, I buy my cars in full not on credit, The money I have I invest it and use it to make more money. Your living a life probably struggling to pay off a 2000 v6 and cant eneven afford $1,000 to buy rims and tires. my 04 v6 i bought it new and atleast i had rims and several mods done to it. Iv driven so many cars and supercars that I really dont care about cars anymore or owning the greatest car. Cars are the worst investment, once my new business is opened and I have enough to shed out $50,000 without it effecting me at all then i'll buy a car, for the mean time I dont have a need to buy a car and be paying a mothly note to be impressing people over the internet. Any othe shit you want to talk?

Boon44 10-05-2006 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by SpinMedia (Post 211189)
Im a mortgage broker already, My executive dosn't mind at all, Plus i get more clients at myage then most 40 year old's at work. I learned its not about how you look, because the avg client already saw 50 professional looking brokers, its about the customer service and what you can give them. Plus most clients seem to always start conversations on them. So any other haters..

Spin, I didnt mean to offend you. If you read my original post I just said "If you like it, thats all that counts". Then I stated a true fact, I am a regional VP for a fortune 500 company, and I probably couldnt hire you at an executive level. It's the culture of a very large publicly held company. I didn't say it in a personal way, strictly business. So please forgive me if you thought I was attacking you in any way.

theponyfactor 10-05-2006 06:16 PM

is there really any point to bashing his car? he has a v6, so what. I know that when i bought my stang i was thrilled to even get one. I am 18 years old and i wanted a mustang all my life. I found one that I could affored so i bought it. No its not the exact one i want, but i have to start somewhere. I think its cool that he even has a stang, who cares if it doesnt have a big list of mods.

SpinMedia 10-05-2006 06:17 PM

its not even a bashing on anyoens car type of thing, its a respect thing, I dont mind v6's at all, i support many 6ers, like yourself and mustangsix, you and him have mad respect and have built up a lot of respect on these boards. But its people liek PCola who come here talking shit and acting like they run the boards yet im still here like "who the **** are you"

MattJ 10-05-2006 06:26 PM

you all suck in my book. haha

PColav6 10-05-2006 06:30 PM

Originally Posted by SpinMedia (Post 211304)
i But its people liek PCola who come here talking shit and acting like they run the boards yet im still here like "who the **** are you"

What are you trying to do? Show off to the mods that you're a goody-goody defender of the almighty Mustang board in hopes of becoming a mod yourself?

I never acted like I ran these boards, just because you interpret something how you want to see it doesn't mean it's shit talk. :n00b:

And this is what someone that acts like they runs the board says

who the F-UCK do you think you are? seriously just get the **** out of here.
I don't think I've ever told anyone to "Get out" of this forum, not my call, and certainly isn't yours.

And..I've been a lurker on these boards since 2004, when they were Mustang Tuning's forums..I never registered until I had actually gotten a Mustang of my own.

BTW: Wonder if this guy "pimps mad hoes"

lanmas23 10-05-2006 09:36 PM

i don't really much care for that particular peircing but it is pretty unique and i can respect that. i have been trying to think of a peircing to get that not many other people have, but to no avail

Ghostalker 10-05-2006 10:00 PM

Originally Posted by lanmas23 (Post 211389)
i don't really much care for that particular peircing but it is pretty unique and i can respect that. i have been trying to think of a peircing to get that not many other people have, but to no avail

anal ring man, the girls love it. :nono: or not

Teal_Beast 10-06-2006 08:20 AM

Spinmedia . . how can you call people "16 year olds that think bumper inserts are mods" when you say stuff like "thats dope" and "mad hoes yo!"


Im not a huge fan of piercings at all. But some people dig it.

rock on

Ghostalker 10-06-2006 09:05 AM

Originally Posted by Teal_Beast (Post 211447)
rock on

lol, speaking of v6 owners who deserve respect :Woot:

zigzaggthefag321 10-06-2006 09:51 AM

spin's been on the rag for months now...wonder what's the dilly yo? lol someone please close this GAY ASS thread.

White04GT 10-06-2006 10:08 AM

"I pimp mad hoes." alright man thats just funny..But anyways havent read this post in a couple of days..came across dsdaddy's have no clue why people say they don't like it or that it looks "gay"..After reading your huge pointless post..I say it looks "gay" because I simply don't like it and would never get a peircing like that..looks like something someone would do for attention more then looks ****ing retarded.

White04GT 10-06-2006 10:11 AM

But Spin your making yourself look like a retard fighting with 16 year old kids. I really have no respect for you now. I'm sure you will come back with some childish little remark like "I don't give a shit what you think". So why do you get so mad and post shit after someone tells you what they think..If you don't care then STFU.:attention_whore:

EDIT: I am with zig..close this pointless thread

Rabbit 10-06-2006 12:33 PM

Did anyone notice that the filter has been changed......

ahem....testing testing testing....

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

There now, back to your regular scheduled bitching and whining on who makes more money, and pimps the most hoes...

BTW: This week I invested $30,000 into a stock. WEll my broker told me this morning that it more than quadrupled in the first 15 minutes, so this afternoon I am special ordering a Ford GT, look for it by the end of August. But in the meantime I will post a sig that I have it "coming soon".

Ain't the internet fun kids! :silvercup:

Jack The Ripper 11-10-2006 08:53 PM


I Hate to resurrect an old thread, but apparently i missed this one, all i gotta say is Pcolav6 totally owned Spinmedia.


PColav6 11-11-2006 09:26 AM

:salook: it's all in the past. :)

GREG@SN95 11-11-2006 10:10 AM

lol... he looks like he's balding it that pic:kekekegay:

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