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foncarelli 07-18-2006 10:14 PM

Fake vs. Real
The difference between FAKE friends and REAL friends
>FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Never ask for food.
>REAL FRIENDS: are the reason you have no food.
>FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs
>REAL FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM
>FAKE ASS FRIENDS: bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
>REAL FRIENDS: Would sit next to you sayin "Damn ... we messed up ... but
>that was so much fun!"
>FAKE ASS FRIENDS: never seen you cry.
>REAL FRIENDS: cry with you
>FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
>REAL FRIENDS: keep your stuff so long they forget its yours.
>FAKE ASS FRIENDS: know a few things about you.
>REAL FRIENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you.
>FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.
>REAL FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you.
>FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door.
>REAL FRIENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!"
>FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Are for awhile.
>REAL FRIENDS: Are for life.
>FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had
>REAL FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say " You
>betta drink the rest of that you know we don't waste."
>FAKE ASS FRIENDS: will talk junk to the person who talks junk about you.
>REAL FRIENDS: Will knock them the hell out

Lances03SVT 07-19-2006 03:20 AM

Damn true!!

spike_africa 07-19-2006 06:35 AM

My freinds wouldnt bail me out of jail they would come and laugh at me. I would do the same thing though lol.

4.6 Love 07-19-2006 08:00 AM


mustangV6_04 07-19-2006 08:23 AM

nice 1, all of that is sooo true

TClark22 07-19-2006 01:37 PM

very true...except for the dad/mom one its not really the thing to do

GREG@SN95 07-19-2006 02:27 PM

sounds like my friends...

the "real" ones that is...

Jack The Ripper 07-19-2006 02:28 PM

Fake Vs. Real?

Damn. i thought this was gonna be another thread discussing badfish's back titters.

GREG@SN95 07-19-2006 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
Fake Vs. Real?

Damn. i thought this was gonna be another thread discussing badfish's back titters.

bwa ha ha ha...

this thread has been hijacked!


take the avitar that you see I have and use it as your own!

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