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dfroster 07-17-2006 06:59 PM

SVT is no more
Some of you may have already read something about this, but tonight was the first I was told. My long time bud, who has been a Ford engineer since 1994 and works for SVT or should I say workED for SVT told me this is the last run before they (Ford) closes the door. Will produce one more Lightning and then that's it. I can't believe after all the great stuff they produced not to mention the parts for bolt-on Ford would do it. It's a cost thing, so they tell the guys. Close plants and lay people off like GM has done or shut down a few small divisions. Well, I have yet to find any news about it and really don't think he's F'ing with me. Buy a cobra now, prices are going to go up.

Jack The Ripper 07-17-2006 07:07 PM

Bummer. im sufre with SVT on his resume he will be just fine though.

PureStang 07-17-2006 07:10 PM

ford release to the press that they were gonna keep SVT...a lil while ago

dfroster 07-17-2006 07:11 PM

Oh, he still has a job, but SVT was his way of life. Not to mention all the free SVT stuff I used to get. I think with some of the new cars coming out Ford will have to do something. New cars as in Camaro, Charger, Challanger, ect...Hell even ricers and SUVs are getting quicker.

todd03blown 07-17-2006 07:13 PM

The last I heard was SVT was going to be merged with FRP (ford racing products; I believe)....will be interesting to see what happens considering ford said today they would be laying off another 12k employees over the next couple or few years, cannor remember which.

dfroster 07-17-2006 07:14 PM

Originally Posted by PureStang
ford release to the press that they were gonna keep SVT...a lil while ago

Find that, please, I looked all over all I found was they were to keep SVTOA, owners stuff and **** like that not the real engineering side that produces the good stuff. I thought at first he was messing with me so I'd love to throw it in his face.

PureStang 07-17-2006 07:27 PM

here's a site

and another

4.6 Love 07-18-2006 08:01 AM

Is this really such a surprise?:confused:...

73coupe99v6 07-18-2006 06:45 PM

why would they shut it down since they just produced the gt500?

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