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WaterDR 03-22-2005 06:27 PM

My day was made today!
Some of you may already know my affliation with childhood cancer. Perhpas you have read some old posts or just have seen some of my comments here and there. Well, I thought it was time for a shameless plug, because my day was really made today and I would like to share the experience.

After loosing our middle daughter in Jan 2001 to cancer (Libby - 17 months), my wife and I incoprated a non-profit organization called Home of Their Own to honor Libby's memory and help other families in need.

Since then, we have been busy raising money (over $250K) and a few years ago the organization purchased a home in Hershey, Pa. across from the children's hospital. We renovated is beautiful. The home is used by a family who has a child with cancer. They can stay as long as needed and do so at ZERO expense. The house is primarily for children who have undergone a bone marrow transplant and need to live in isolation. To date, we have had over a dozen families stay.

The house is a kid's paradise with all the toys and movies they need.

Over 50% of "our kids" who stay will never recover....that is just a simple fact. For may of them, staying in this house is the last good memories that they will have. Without us, their only alternative in remaining in a dinky hospital room for many more months.

Earlier today a new family moved in. The patient is a little four year-old girl and she has two other young siblings. She had been hospitalized for 44 days straight and has never been allowed to leave the hospital room. Now, she can roam free around an entire house and play with her sibs and live like a normal kid (well almost) until she is well enough to go home.

Holding back tears, her Mom could barely contain herself when I spoke to her on the phone. The gift was more than she could have imagined. She had no idea until they walked in the door what to expect.

Sometimes effort is paid-off...this is one of those times.

TayWolf55 03-22-2005 07:34 PM

Its great to see someone like you do that for such a great cause. I'm sure the pay off was easily worth all the hard work you put into it.

Congrats and good job. :headbang:

WikidStang 03-22-2005 08:55 PM

That is awesome to hear. Definitly keep it up we need more good people like you

ModMotorRacer 03-22-2005 10:58 PM

I had no idea man...I'm really sorry. My daughter is almost 11mos old, I can't imagine if she were gone. I think what you are doing is wonderful. The world needs more people like yourself.


4.6 Love 03-23-2005 06:49 AM

God bless!

mrshoss97v6 03-23-2005 06:51 AM

I have seen you sig about stopping childhood cancer but never knew it was so personal to you.. I am sorry about your loss. I have 3 children 2 girls and a boy, my girls are 10 and 5 and my baby boy is 3. We are right now dealing with ssome issues with my boy. He is undergoing testing for Lympnomic Cancer. We don't know really anything other than his lympnodes are swollen and his spleen is inlarged. I just recently been learning about cancer in children, it is blessing to know someone that has gone through all that comes with thier child having cancer and losing them to it and seeing that life still will go on no matter how you think it won't without them. GOD Bless you and your family and GOD Bless you for what you bring to the familys that are just starting to travel the road you have... Kathy

Phantom1313 03-23-2005 07:00 AM

what you are doing is a wonderful thing for those unfortnate children. It's nice to finnaly see a bit more good in the world, especially towards children. If there's anyway we here can help, i'm sure we will...I didnt know ur fight against childhood cancer was so personal, i am sorry for your loss, but i am glad that you managed to turn things around and give other children a brighter future...

gtnumber2 03-23-2005 11:57 AM

Im really sorry to hear about your daughter, my second son is do to be born in about 2 weeks and i can imagine anything ever happening to my kids. The house is a great idea and im glad to see someone doing things for these kids. I was involved in a bad motorcycle accident that put me in a hospital for 6 months and if it werent for my now wife and family i would have lost it, so that is a great thing you are doing for the kids and familys.

dmkx3 03-23-2005 12:37 PM

keep up the good work. sorry to hear about your loss.

my2001GT 03-23-2005 03:14 PM

Wow.... Sorry for you're loss... It's people like you and the orginization you're affiliated with, that make the world a much better place to live in... Keep up the awsome work.

I recently lost a best friend of 10 years to a rare cancer (parents wouldn't say). All I can remeber is seeing him on his last few days, in the hospital laying in a bed. I'll never forget his face. Especially when 2 seconds before he pasted away, he said thanks for being such a great friend to me, and he shed 1 very small tear. I told him you'd have done the same for me.
Every year on his birthday, I bring flowers and put them by his grave, Adam Williams, 1984 - 2005.. Rest in Peace my Good Friend :sad7:

MattJ 03-23-2005 04:29 PM

I lost a high school friend this past year to cancer. Thanks for doing the good deeds you do. You make the world a better place for the less fortunate and their family and friends.

venom 03-23-2005 04:29 PM

It was hard when I lost my mom to cancer when I was 27, I feel for your loss and pray for your family. Congrats on your success and may you have many more.

WaterDR 03-23-2005 04:32 PM

Thanks for all the kodos. But really, it is easy. The real thoughts go to all those who are currently in the battle. They have the tough road ahead of them.

rebelyell 03-25-2005 12:46 AM

I'm 12 years cancer free. But I can't imagine how I would feel or react to my kid having it. I think that would be worse than my chemo treatments. I would easily go through it again to keep any of my loved ones from going through it just once. I can almost imagine how you feel about childhood cancer. You must feel hopeless at times after losing your child. I know I would be devastated:angry7:

SMOKIN'05 03-25-2005 01:11 PM

Thats awesome I have 2 kids of my own. My son who is 10 had to have heart surgery when he was 1 to fix a hole in his heart. We almost lost him so I can feel a little of your pain. My condolenscences to you and your family. Keep up the good work

Shambles 03-25-2005 09:12 PM

I do thank you for what your doing. My grandfather currently has Mesothelioma (Rare type of lung cancer due to Asbestos), has been undergoing chemo, but unfortunately the cancer isnt going away. I've only got about 2-3 more months with him before he passes away.

Honestly, I dunno what im gonna do after he passes away. This is the first grandparent to pass away for me. Hes an awesome guy, great mechanic, and I know im gonna miss him.

Either way, thanks for what your doing for families of children with cancer. Its true, the world could use more people like you.

98silvergt 03-30-2005 08:24 AM

wow didnt know you were involved in something like that. Youre truly one of the good guys. Need more people like you around.

liv4him 04-01-2005 04:50 PM

Awesome man, Im sorry to hear about your daughter!! I have a 10 year old and I just can't imagine something like that. Hey Im to far from you (York) we go up to Hershey to see the Bears and of course H. Park. Are you going to be at CJ's In July? Anyway very very cool thing your wife and your are doing!!

Blue Thunder 04-01-2005 08:54 PM

You are a wonderful person. I'm sure when you finally pass on God will have a nice spot reserved for you right next to your daughter. Keep it up you are a wonderful person.

stealth stang 90 04-01-2005 09:19 PM

I dont know how much this would cost But I work for Infocision a tellemarketing company That specializes in political and nonprofit fundraising we are more expensive than the competitors but we get results You can check out the company at

WaterDR 04-02-2005 07:03 AM

Originally Posted by liv4him
Awesome man, Im sorry to hear about your daughter!! I have a 10 year old and I just can't imagine something like that. Hey Im to far from you (York) we go up to Hershey to see the Bears and of course H. Park. Are you going to be at CJ's In July? Anyway very very cool thing your wife and your are doing!!

Well, I am supposed to be at CJ's in July. Actually, CJ asked if they could donate all the proceeds from their show to our organization. I last spoke with them in early Feb. They asked for info to be sent to them and for me to come speak with their employees. I have made three of four attempts to contact them since with the info they requested with no response. So, I have no idea what is going on.

I am a bit bothered by this. I am going to try to call this week and see where that gets me. Perhaps the owner is just not getting my emails for some reason.

WaterDR 04-02-2005 07:04 AM

Originally Posted by stealth stang 90
I dont know how much this would cost But I work for Infocision a tellemarketing company That specializes in political and nonprofit fundraising we are more expensive than the competitors but we get results You can check out the company at

What do you do for them? Perhaps we can talk.

stealth stang 90 04-05-2005 08:04 AM

I am just a telecomunicator ( i work on the phones it sucks but it pays the bills) I can try to find out some more information for you

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