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GREG@SN95 05-20-2006 11:36 PM

How many friends do you have?
What makes someone a TRUE friend?
Have you ever had a "friend" that wasn't a good one and ****ed you over some way or other?

I'll start... I've had my share of "friends" and a few have turned out to be scum bags...

The worst were...

A few summers ago... I had some friends that I rode BMX bikes with... One night (my parents were away) I had them over... Just 3 of them... I THOUGHT i could trust them... the one guy brought a friend over that was from out of state... I figured he wouldn't bring anyone BAD over so I trusted him...

so there were 4 now... next morn... guitar was GONE... so I knew it was the out of stater... friends SAID HE DIDN't TAKE IT... the kid went into hiding... all he had to do was give it back...

called the police... MY "FRIENDS" got pissed at me because i called the cops... even though all they had to do was get the ****in guitar back and that woulda been the end...

Over the next few months, things got more heated which ended UGLY...

Now... I know alot of good people... BUT... as far as FRIENDS... I only consider 5 "friends"
I trust them to the point where if i killed some1 (which i wouldn't do) I could call them and not worry about anything...


I learned the HARD way... just wondered if anyone else had a similar experience... cause I know alot of people who did with interesting stories...

Slither 05-21-2006 02:22 PM

Well I can say I only have 3 or 4 good friends that I know would do anything for me and me for them. I have lots of people I consider a friend but they won't be around forever. Make sense?

And I have been screwed over by friends and that my friend is how you learn who your true buds are...

zigzaggthefag321 05-21-2006 02:56 PM

2, yes only 2 friends I truly trust. I know quite a few people, but dont trust them as far as considering them my friend. Shame maybe, but I am one of those people who others seem to be intimidated by (I dont know why) because I am really a nice and caring person through and through. Go figure.

macs03GT 05-21-2006 03:27 PM

to tell you the honest truth.....i dont have one person that i trust fully in this world. Doesnn't mean that i don't like people, just no TRUE friends....and i've never had one either.

PureStang 05-21-2006 03:35 PM

i have 1 true friend i can trust (2 if girlfriends are allowed).....ive know my friend jeff since the second grade and im almost in 12th grade now...he and i have gone thru alot over the years...and even tho he is a freshman (or was) in college this year....we are still extremely tight

and my girlfriend i can trust cause...well thats selfexplainatory

and i havent really been betrayed but my g/f has had to deal w/ that for the last year and a half w/ mostly all of her friends...its rediculous

TEXASPAUL 05-21-2006 07:07 PM

i have one friend id tell anything....and only one other that id trust....
there are others that id trust with my stuff, but i dont really like

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