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4.6 Love 04-25-2006 05:03 PM

I'm feeling better now!!
So saturday evening, i posted on here right before i left home @ 7:00 PM. Little did i know that is the last thing i would do. I had been feeling a bit a bit dizzy, disoriented if you will. So as i drove home, i noticed that my reaction time was not up to par. My vision was somewhat blurry and i quickly rushed home to get some rest..I called my girl to see if she could come home and stop by the drug store to buy some motrin. She got there not 20 minutes later...i took the pills, and while i was swallowing them down, i noticed a unusual slight discomfot, which i would normally feel when i have a sore throat or something, which i had not symptoms of at the time, so i payed no attention to it..i went to sleep for a good 2.5 hrs. Woke up only to realize i was feeling like hammered crap and my fever showing no signs of letting up..I was wtf maybe i need more pills...anyways i decided to let another 2.5 hrs go by, giving my about 4.5 hrs since my last two pills, took the second batch, my girl went to walgreens to buy a thermometer, 45 minutes later, i found out my fever was at 105...:(....i was like fawk...what the hell, i told my girl that aside from the fever, i was not feeling to good, my vision seemed to blurr out at time, my head was killing me. So we decided to stop by the local methodist hospital. Got there around i'd say 3 in the morning or so..i'm not really sure as i was so messed up. I get there on for them to tell me to wait for my turn.:rolleyes:...typical hospital, if you ain't dying or severly injured, you gotta wait in line. I waited an honest or so and finally it was my turn. By this time, i was feeling like i was burning up from inside. I told my girl to help me up as my strenth had seemed to abandon me. I leaned on her and we walked to the check up room. A nurse came in, took my reading. Heart rate was unsually hight, the oxygen leve in my blood had dropped to a dramatic 84% and i soon lost sense of evething around me. I passed out and when i woke up the next moring around seven or so, my girl was sitting was next to me. Waiting for me to recover my senses. She told me that when i passed out my fever had reach an astonishing 115...

I gotta go cause i'm about to leave work...but i'll finish this later guys...needless to say i got out of the hospital yesterday @ 3 pm but i'm not up to my old self again...the interesting part is yet to come...

TEXASPAUL 04-25-2006 05:07 PM

dang it!!!!!
finish it already!!!!
i was really tied in the story....then it doesnt end!!!!! LOL....

MattJ 04-25-2006 05:08 PM

If you had a fever of 115, you would die. Your body cannot survive those critical temperatures.

Jack The Ripper 04-25-2006 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by MattJ
If you had a fever of 115, you would die. Your body cannot survive those critical temperatures.

Sure he could..... if he was secretly FLAME-O!!!!!!!!! The Flaming Superhero!

MattJ 04-25-2006 05:16 PM

haha you called him flame-o!!!!!

madmatt 04-25-2006 05:23 PM

And you are working because???? Glad to hear you are feeling better man.

Zaff03GT 04-25-2006 05:25 PM

wow, that sounds pretty serious. Glad ur ok

madmatt 04-25-2006 05:34 PM

Originally Posted by Zaff03GT
wow, that sounds pretty serious. Glad ur ok

:D cant help but think of Ferris Buellers day off when the girl says that to him on the phone. *hits keyboard loaded with sick sounds

Badfish 04-25-2006 05:36 PM

damn! it's good that your ok

and Ferris Buelers Day Off was tits

madmatt 04-25-2006 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by Badfish
damn! it's good that your ok

and Ferris Buelers Day Off was tits

yes, yes it was.

spike_africa 04-25-2006 07:09 PM

oh my god.....

CCM 04-25-2006 07:12 PM

Originally Posted by madmatt
:D cant help but think of Ferris Buellers day off when the girl says that to him on the phone. *hits keyboard loaded with sick sounds

Haha yeah, I'm probably gonna need a kidney transplant.

4.6 Love 04-26-2006 07:03 AM

Originally Posted by MattJ
If you had a fever of 115, you would die. Your body cannot survive those critical temperatures.

Well thats what my girl said, maybe she was bluffing, anyways, on to the rest of the story..

4.6 Love 04-26-2006 07:30 AM

I wake up around 7:45 sunday morning only to discover that i have a few needles going up my arms. I was a bit scared, but nothing would prepare me for what i would soon realize. Remember i had said earlier that when i was taking the motrin i felt a slight discomfort when swallowing it. Well all to soon did i realize i could not speak very much. I told my girl to bring me some water because i was very thirsty. Somehow throughout the course of me passing out i awoken to the grim reality that my throat had swollen up to much that i could not even drink water, without the most instense of pains. I only a small sip and the nurses came not too shortly. By now my fever had begun to rise agian, and my temp was clocked at a not so healthy 103. The doctor came, put some crap in my mouth and realize my throat was a mess. They contributed it to a severe case of throat infection. How or why it got to that point over a course of a few hrs is still a mystery to me. So for the next few hrs all i could think of was that i was extremely hungry and i had not eaten anything all day saturday, and it was now sunday with me at the hospital. My parents would be back around 7:00 PM that night to visit me. Regular antibiotics were not helping me and i was begining to feel alot of pain in my throat wether i spoke or not. The doctors concluded that my fever was due to the infection on my throat, so until i was rid of it, my fever would keep coming back. I told them to give me something so that i could finally eat, so they told me that if the swelling in my throat did not go down by 6 that sunday they would take another route on trying to fix me up. So after no signs of my throat swelling letting up, they decided to put some serious antibiotics on me. One shot in my left cheek, and one on my right. A few hrs later, i recieve another dose of that same ****, but this time, i got one on each shoulder. After a few hrs i could finally began to feel some relief from this agony. They later brought me some jello, a few nutritious shakes (which happen to taste like ass) and they informed me that they would keep me until monday for some observations on my condition and if everything went well, i would be able to go home. So monday came and i was relased around 2:45 or so..I was prescribed more antibiotics and was told that i won't be able to eat solid foods for about two weeks or so. My thoat is still whacked and it still hurst to drink water, but the pain seems to be lessening with each day, however my fever still keeps coming back every few hrs or so. They also prescribe me some other pills for my fever as normal aspirin doesn't help. In total i have to take about 9 pills a day, and i can't eat or drink anything sweet. That means, no soft drinks, alcohol is outta the question and i am only allowed to drink water or juice. Although when i drink any type of juice, i experience a tramatic burning sensation that is more that i can stand, so i'll be sticking to water for the next two weeks. BTW, all i've been able to eat is cambells chicken noodle soup, but not before going through the blender once.:(.......this blows...

FritoBandito 04-26-2006 07:43 AM

Dude, that really sucks. It could have been something worse tho. I thought beer made sore throats better. Glad your getting better tho.

BTW: Cut down on protein ingestion! :devil2:

4.6 Love 04-26-2006 07:45 AM

Originally Posted by FritoBandito
Dude, that really sucks. It could have been something worse tho. I thought beer made sore throats better. Glad your getting better tho.

BTW: Cut down on protein ingestion! :devil2:

Looks like beer is not good for me right now, I doubt i could bare the pain of beer going down my throat!!! Thanks though..;)

Shambles 04-26-2006 08:12 AM


Badfish 04-26-2006 09:24 AM

damn dude, that sucks ass..get better mang :)

spike_africa 04-26-2006 12:10 PM

i had the same problem in 7th grade thye took my tonsels(sp?) out and i have been fine since.

Jack The Ripper 04-26-2006 01:41 PM

First off, glad yer gettin better dude, that sucks you had to go through that.

Second, since nobody else did, i gotta take this cheap shot.


Throat infection? Sounds like Badfish is gonna have to clean his junk if he wants to get those blowjobs from ya!!!!!


Couldnt resist.
Na but serious, glad yer feelin better dude.

what.... too soon? LMAO!

4.6 Love 04-26-2006 02:04 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
First off, glad yer gettin better dude, that sucks you had to go through that.

Second, since nobody else did, i gotta take this cheap shot.


Throat infection? Sounds like Badfish is gonna have to clean his junk if he wants to get those blowjobs from ya!!!!!


Couldnt resist.
Na but serious, glad yer feelin better dude.

what.... too soon? LMAO!

Good one....:yawn:

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