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GREG@94GT 04-20-2006 10:22 PM

rant about laws...
lol... Been up stugying and cant sleep...

But it blows my mind how the government chooses at what ages you can and cannot do things...

Tobaco - 19 (dont know why they changed that:confused: )
drinkin - 21
driving - 15-17 (depends on state)

Minimum military - 18

why? there is no rhyme or reason to any of it?

I can risk my life but cant drink or even have a smoke (or chew, lol)? I am considered an adult but cant make my own decisions on alcohol and tobaco?

In Europe the drinking age (if any) is extremely low.

So... Your 21rst birthday... you drive out to a bar, party, get drunk, and possible drive home.

If drinking (legaly) wasnt so awesome by the time you were old enough to drive you probably wouldnt drive drunk.

Who the F comes up with this crap?

people are so damn stupid... i wish they would change these laws around so that they were practical and had at least some purpose...


3V2000GT 04-20-2006 10:36 PM

Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
lol... Been up stugying and cant sleep...


Lets be honest your not studying, who studies? I mean seriously??

And the solution is you run for president thats it.... Its that simple

SonicGT02 04-20-2006 10:37 PM

wait a sec...when did tobacco become 19??? not that it matters cause i am 19 but i have friends who are 18

GREG@94GT 04-20-2006 10:43 PM

Originally Posted by SonicGT02
wait a sec...when did tobacco become 19??? not that it matters cause i am 19 but i have friends who are 18

yes it is... sucks for them... well if they buy tobaco that is

Originally Posted by The2000GT
Lets be honest your not studying, who studies? I mean seriously??

yes ma'am... chemistry... idk why i need to know it for a mechanical engineering degree... its required to civil too... eh.. gotta pass it so...

3V2000GT 04-20-2006 10:46 PM

Are you still in high school?? or college? cuz high school dont matter
as long as you get the heck out of there and you dont plan on going to harvard or yale colleges dont really care, same goes when you get your degree, your employer is not going to look at each and every one of your grades

dsg_gt2004 04-20-2006 11:27 PM

dont forget that if you're under 18 that you are not binded to any contracts, such as buying items from stores or what not...i wish i wouldve known this in the past,i wouldve taken old stereos or whatever i didnt want back to the store to get a full refund...ha, if they dont give you a refund, then you are allowed to sue..awesome stuff

dsg_gt2004 04-20-2006 11:28 PM

Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
yes ma'am... chemistry... idk why i need to know it for a mechanical engineering degree... its required to civil too... eh.. gotta pass it so...

you probably need it just to show that you are well rounded or some BS...

Grimmz 04-20-2006 11:46 PM

Originally Posted by The2000GT
Are you still in high school?? or college? cuz high school dont matter
as long as you get the heck out of there and you dont plan on going to harvard or yale colleges dont really care, same goes when you get your degree, your employer is not going to look at each and every one of your grades

he's college...

yeah I gotta start the studyin tommarow, write a paper and then begin the Accounting Crap!...DAMN THIS EXAM!...

but yeah I've had alota beef with that, if i'm old enough to get shipped over seas to die for my country, can't I have a beer in the privacy of my friends home..?

dsg_gt2004 04-20-2006 11:51 PM

Originally Posted by Grimmz
he's college...

yeah I gotta start the studyin tommarow, write a paper and then begin the Accounting Crap!...DAMN THIS EXAM!...

but yeah I've had alota beef with that, if i'm old enough to get shipped over seas to die for my country, can't I have a beer in the privacy of my friends home..?

what kind of accounting you have (what year are you?)?

BlitzStyrke 04-21-2006 05:29 AM

Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
yes ma'am... chemistry... idk why i need to know it for a mechanical engineering degree... its required to civil too... eh.. gotta pass it so...

Yeah taking chemistry is bull. I have yet to use it at all in mechanical. That's why I found my way around it...and got 8 credits too :devil2:

Slither 04-21-2006 06:15 AM

Who freakin' cares! It's not like you can't get it no matter what age you are. Are you that much of a neck that you want to drink, dip, and smoke when you are 15? Go over to your uncle Billy's house and get some of his Skoal and throw back a Busch while you puff on a Marlboro.

And this BS about serving your country but can't my opinion the ones truly serving the country are the ones overseas fighting the war right now which means you don't have to be 21 to drink...after you just said (Greg) that you can be much younger in other countries.

There are reasons for certain laws and they have worked (somewhat) for years so why change them and make it ok for younger people to buy the stuff? GOD with the immaturity of kids and irresponsibility these days it should be damned near 30 or NEVER for some people to drink. I could go on and on but I will spare you...

4.6 Love 04-21-2006 06:49 AM

If you wanna get all technical about it, How is it that you are old enough to join the army at age 18. They train you to kill, you carry fire arms and go to combat but you are still not man enough to drink until the age of 21.:rolleyes:...I guess they think you are old enough to kill at 18 but not old enough to handle your liquor!

GREG@94GT 04-21-2006 07:04 AM

Originally Posted by MahnotinkneeGT
Who freakin' cares! It's not like you can't get it no matter what age you are. Are you that much of a neck that you want to drink, dip, and smoke when you are 15? Go over to your uncle Billy's house and get some of his Skoal and throw back a Busch while you puff on a Marlboro.

And this BS about serving your country but can't my opinion the ones truly serving the country are the ones overseas fighting the war right now which means you don't have to be 21 to drink...after you just said (Greg) that you can be much younger in other countries.

There are reasons for certain laws and they have worked (somewhat) for years so why change them and make it ok for younger people to buy the stuff? GOD with the immaturity of kids and irresponsibility these days it should be damned near 30 or NEVER for some people to drink. I could go on and on but I will spare you...

lmao... I knew you'd get all bent out of shape...

so you are saying that younger people are TOO immature to drink etc but are old enough to be considered adults?

That was my point... It would make more sense that the drinking age be before the driving age and legal adulthood after all (after drink, drive, etc ages)

Get a grip jerk face

Slither 04-21-2006 07:13 AM

Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
lmao... I knew you'd get all bent out of shape...

so you are saying that younger people are TOO immature to drink etc but are old enough to be considered adults?

That was my point... It would make more sense that the drinking age be before the driving age and legal adulthood after all (after drink, drive, etc ages)

Get a grip jerk face

HAHA how was I a jerk? It makes perfect sense. I do dip, smoke, and drink don't ya? jk

Drinking age before 16? Are you a f-ing idiot?

Am I saying that younger people are too immature to drink? Abso-****in-lutely in most cases. A lot of adults are too immature to drink also so I can't take either side. All I am saying is there are reasons things are the way they are so deal with it.

Are you just mad that you can't run down to the Piggly Wiggly and pick of a case of beer or what?

What are you? 19? I am 27 so maybe I am old and I get bent out of shape for a reason when I see teenagers like you complaining about drinking age and what not.

Being an adult has nothing to do with drinking. If you think that is what being an adult is about then you need to stay in them thar woods and have a cold one up in yer tree stand.

Please post a pic :beerchug:

GREG@94GT 04-21-2006 07:19 AM

Originally Posted by MahnotinkneeGT
HAHA how was I a jerk? It makes perfect sense. I do dip, smoke, and drink don't ya? jk

Drinking age before 16? Are you a f-ing idiot?

Am I saying that younger people are too immature to drink? Abso-****in-lutely in most cases. A lot of adults are too immature to drink also so I can't take either side. All I am saying is there are reasons things are the way they are so deal with it.

Are you just mad that you can't run down to the Piggly Wiggly and pick of a case of beer or what?

What are you? 19? I am 27 so maybe I am old and I get bent out of shape for a reason when I see teenagers like you complaining about drinking age and what not.

Being an adult has nothing to do with drinking. If you think that is what being an adult is about then you need to stay in them thar woods and have a cold one up in yer tree stand.

Please post a pic :beerchug:

where did I say make the drinking age 16?

show me... I cant remember... I mean... OH MY GOD! I cant find it! I can read and I have a good memory!?! where did I say that?

Oh yeh... I didnt:rolleyes:

How bout cha try reading it...

hold on i'll say it a 3rd...


I guess you are old... you need a set of glasses there bud

Slither 04-21-2006 07:22 AM

Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
That was my point... It would make more sense that the drinking age be before the driving age and legal adulthood after all (after drink, drive, etc ages)

Correct me if I am wrong but isn't that what you said? And I would have to assume that driving age is still 16.

If you wouldn't swallow your dip juice these things wouldn't happen.

TEXASPAUL 04-21-2006 07:23 AM

wow this is gettin ugly....
go Mahnotinknee!!!!....

GREG@94GT 04-21-2006 07:26 AM

Originally Posted by MahnotinkneeGT
Correct me if I am wrong but isn't that what you said? And I would have to assume that driving age is still 16.

If you wouldn't swallow your dip juice these things wouldn't happen.

And where did i say keep the driving age at 16?

Thats funny... I thought I said it would make more sense that the drinking age be BEFORE the driving age...

Why dont you go read my thread a 4th time...

We'll see how long it takes you:rolleyes:

maybe you can go to mommy's house and she'll read it to you...

Slither 04-21-2006 07:33 AM

Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
And where did i say keep the driving age at 16?

Thats funny... I thought I said it would make more sense that the drinking age be BEFORE the driving age...

Why dont you go read my thread a 4th time...

We'll see how long it takes you:rolleyes:

maybe you can go to mommy's house and she'll read it to you...

What the **** dude? Are you seriously that retarded? I said nothing about you saying to keep the driving age at 16. You clearly said "It would make more sense that the drinking age be before the driving age and legal adulthood after all (after drink, drive, etc ages)"

Driving age is 16!! What don't you get?

GREG@94GT 04-21-2006 07:38 AM

Originally Posted by MahnotinkneeGT
"It would make more sense that the drinking age be before the driving age and legal adulthood after all (after drink, drive, etc ages)"

hey **** bag... watch this

drink age 17
drive age 18
adult age 19

oh wait watch this

drink age 18
driving age 19
adult age 21

oh my god it amazing!

lets see if i can do it again...

drinking age 16
driving age 18
adult hood 18

are YOU seriously retarded...

I can see your are in a pissy mood this morning... get that sand out of yer vagina and stop being such a douche...

Slither 04-21-2006 07:45 AM

Just because I live on the beach why do you have to make sand in my vagina jokes haha?

And if I didn't take your mom out to the beach last night after our Kenny Chesney concert for some Old Milwaukee and some sand fleas then I wouldn't have sand in my vagina..thank her for me.

GREG@94GT 04-21-2006 07:49 AM

Originally Posted by MahnotinkneeGT
Just because I live on the beach why do you have to make sand in my vagina jokes haha?

And if I didn't take your mom out to the beach last night after our Kenny Chesney concert for some Old Milwaukee and some sand fleas then I wouldn't have sand in my vagina..thank her for me.

who were saying was immature?:rolleyes:

Slither 04-21-2006 07:53 AM

Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
who were saying was immature?:rolleyes:

I were saying was immature. Just trying to be corny like you Greg with the your momma jokes and vagina jokes. I guess I should give up since yours are so damn great. SIGH :(

GREG@94GT 04-21-2006 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by MahnotinkneeGT
I were saying was immature. Just trying to be corny like you Greg with the your momma jokes and vagina jokes. I guess I should give up since yours are so damn great. SIGH :(

go back to sleep...

A woman should be able to sleep in... Especially when its her... "special"... time of the month...

And I'm not so great... but I try n read a thread before replying... and if i **** up... i dont **** up another 3 times...

IDK maybe You misunderstood me... I just dont see why you got all pissy about something stupid like this...

Slither 04-21-2006 08:05 AM

Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
go back to sleep...

A woman should be able to sleep in... Especially when its her... "special"... time of the month...

And I'm not so great... but I try n read a thread before replying... and if i **** up... i dont **** up another 3 times...

IDK maybe You misunderstood me... I just dont see why you got all pissy about something stupid like this...

I'm not all pissy. It is hard to tell emotion over the internet. Trust me...I am in a great mood. It is Friday, I live in Florida, and I have a date with a hottie tonight. Life is good so I not gonna get bent out of shape over silly internet crap.

And I am sitting in my office so I can't go back to sleep. Wait I could lean back in my chair and sleep if I wanted to.

Grimmz 04-21-2006 08:53 AM

Originally Posted by MahnotinkneeGT
It is Friday, I live in Florida, and I have a date with a hottie tonight. .

well thnx for the compliment there big guy...but I don't think u need to tell everyone how cute I am...

Slither 04-21-2006 08:57 AM

Originally Posted by Grimmz
well thnx for the compliment there big guy...but I don't think u need to tell everyone how cute I am...

Aww Ed you made me blush :innocent:

Grimmz 04-21-2006 09:04 AM

Originally Posted by MahnotinkneeGT
Aww Ed you made me blush :innocent:

lol just doin what I can... this new hottie wouldn't be a work associate of yours would it?

and PS who the hell were u talkin about that one day...the girl in Tallahassee u were guna meet?

Slither 04-21-2006 09:16 AM

Originally Posted by Grimmz
lol just doin what I can... this new hottie wouldn't be a work associate of yours would it?

and PS who the hell were u talkin about that one day...the girl in Tallahassee u were guna meet?

Yep lol another work associate. Funny this is she is best friends with the other girls roomie..which all 3 of them work with me lol.

And yes the one with the white Cobra. SO HOT!

SpinMedia 04-21-2006 10:46 AM

also reason why you have to be 21 to drink is because usually anyone under that age has a way lower tolerance to liquor, so if they had 18 year olds getting drunk all of them would get fvcking trashed, its bad enough already how many young guys get DUIs and wrap them selfs around trees every weekend driving drunk, Im not 21 yet, I love drinking, but i am in no favor of them lowering the drinking age to 18.

But one thing also you must known,

Everything you posted has been discussed, voted, debated, voted, discussed, debated, debated, debated, for decades by congress so theres a reason everythings at where its at now.

its not like theres just this one guy that sits in his office saying "Today!, I want to make the drinking age 21, tabacco age 18, and driving age 15!".

GREG@94GT 04-21-2006 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by SpinMedia
also reason why you have to be 21 to drink is because usually anyone under that age has a way lower tolerance to liquor, so if they had 18 year olds getting drunk all of them would get fvcking trashed, its bad enough already how many young guys get DUIs and wrap them selfs around trees every weekend driving drunk, Im not 21 yet, I love drinking, but i am in no favor of them lowering the drinking age to 18.

But one thing also you must known,

Everything you posted has been discussed, voted, debated, voted, discussed, debated, debated, debated, for decades by congress so theres a reason everythings at where its at now.

its not like theres just this one guy that sits in his office saying "Today!, I want to make the drinking age 21, tabacco age 18, and driving age 15!".


it would make sense to lets people drink @ a yonger age to get it out of their system...

like when ya got your license... you drove your car non stop... burt up a hundred bucks in $$$ that you made your friends give you...

so by the time someone is old enough to drive drinkin would be a been there done that thing... its not so special cause you can drink whenever you want anyway...

And it just doesnt make sense that you are an adult but are restricted by laws on making your own decesions on alcohol...

I'm not saying that the current laws are wrong or should be changed... They just would have more of a GOOD effect if they were different.

I know kids that drink and drive...

I have a good friend from germany... He is 17... In germany he can legally drink but cannot drive until the age of 18... So he came here and got his license here to have it transfer to a german licence... well, me him and some other buds would drink and he would not even look at his car... he gave the keys to his dad for extra insurance...

I guess the germans have done at least one thing right... lmao

SpinMedia 04-21-2006 11:19 AM

I heard they once wanted to raise the drinking age to 25, that would of sucked. But like I said, just because your 18 it dosn't really mean anything, Like if you come down here to miami, most clubs now are 21+ for guys, you need to be 24+ to rent a car, To be a congress men I think you need to be like 35, Just because your 18 and an "Adult", it dosn't really mean anything.

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