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roushrider81 03-31-2006 04:27 PM

Got in trouble at school!!!
so at my high school we got a new principle this year and let me tell you 1 thing what a smooch. so i was leavin school today and going up the hill in the back of my school i was going 22....he is sitting at the top and he puts his hand up for me to stop and here's the convo.

Him: so why do you have to go so fast

Me: um isnt the speed limit 20

Him:no i changed it to 10

Me: really i dont see any signs

Him: ok you wanna be smart how about i call the cops and they can give you 250 dollar ticket. and then you can never bring your car on school grounds again. you think thats funny now

Me: ( i kinda laughed) and was like yea that kinda funny

Him: pull over so your not blockin traffic.

so i pull over...he then takes out his cell phone calls the cops and gives them my plate #... then

Him: whats you name

I told him and he was like

Him: ok i will talk to you in school monday in my office at 9 it will be me you and the cops..

Me: alright later

its kinda gay but the man is a ****in doush i will let you no on monday after school what happened...what should i say at the meeting?

3V2000GT 03-31-2006 04:34 PM

tell the truth, the cops cant do anything unless they have proof that you did it, i mean your principal didn't have radar gun did he? hes just pissed you have a nice car... dont worry HS is gay all the administartors hate people with nice cars... once you get to college you wont have that crap to deal with!!

95bstallion 03-31-2006 04:40 PM

That idiot cant just change the ****in speed limit. Unless there was a sign stating 10 you are alright dont even worry.

00mustang_crazy00 03-31-2006 04:46 PM

take piccs of where u were now before he does put up a sign.. if he is a douche hell put up a sign and then say it was there the whole time..

jjtgiants 03-31-2006 04:50 PM

Yep, just tell the truth. Then in a polite way recommend to the principle that since he dictates school policy he should allocate the proper amount of funding from his already over strained budged and put up the proper speed limit signs so students can follow his policy. The cops will agree with you because they can't enforce the 10mph rule if there are signs that say 20 or 25mph (but don't point that out cause everyone in the room will already know that). Then just smile. That is also an adult way of dealing with it.

TClark22 03-31-2006 05:26 PM

wow...ur ****in principal tells u to slow down??? wtf

as soon as he told me to slow down i would have been like...ok cya then did a burnout right in front of him...

the only person who would tell me to slow down would be the 2 officers that work at our schools

ur principal = ****in duesche bag and he cant even give u a detention or suspension for that **** unless ur in a private school then he can do what he wants

Badfish 03-31-2006 05:31 PM

although you can't get in trouble with the law...since it's "his" school he can stop you from driving the car to school..

I'm in a similar situation with our school cop ( City police dept. assigned to our school) he's a real asshole, almost had my car impounded

Jack The Ripper 03-31-2006 05:37 PM

I wouldnt even worry about it.
The guy is a douche and shouldnt be the principle if that is the way he behaves.
There wont be any ticket, and if there is the court will throw it out.

My rec? Go find his daughter and **** her. Get a pic of you givin it to her nasty, then give him the pics. Thats what my buddy pete did. well.... he also got expelled immediatly afterwards...

WaterDR 03-31-2006 05:49 PM

1 - There may be more to the story...we are only hearing your side.

2 - Be polite and adult-like in front of the police. You dont need to give them any excuses.

3 - You did not break any laws and he cant have you ticketed for speeding.

4 - Tell the principal this "look, I dont intend to cause you any trouble or anyone else. In fact, I intend to do well and succeed in life so that I can be a lot more then a HS principal someday"

NoKturnaL 03-31-2006 05:57 PM

thats retarded..

for him to call the cops on u and everything is unessesary.

Oh and they wont give u a ticket cause there is no proof. dont worry about it.

This doush is gonna waste your time and the cops time with this little meeting...

but there must be more to this story now that I think of it...the principal is taken this way to far......

did u like do a burnout and shyt?

PureStang 03-31-2006 07:43 PM principle is cool...he break danced infront of the WHOLE school and many parents at a school sanction event on stage to ICE ICE BABY...hahaha

roushrider81 03-31-2006 08:03 PM

no dude if you ask anybody from around this town they all relize how stict and much of a douch bag he was...nobody in our town likes's he tardy get 3 per a term (late to school) after that it goes

4 time being late-30 minutes after schhool
5 time-1 hour
6 time-1 hour 30 min.
7 time= 2 hour
and so on

PureStang 03-31-2006 08:25 PM

wow....we get 15 tardy days and then a saturday detention...then the count starts again...

GREG@94GT 03-31-2006 09:23 PM

fun in hike school...

ha ha... enjoy it while ya still can...

some hikeschool fun ideas we did...

1. let animals loose in the school...
2. funny noises (animal calls... we used crow and turkey calls... no1 knew it was us cause the calls were reeds and just chilled in our mouths... ha ha ha)
3. loud noises (AIRHORNS!!!!!!!!!!!!:devil2: )
4. get caught walking off school grounds (ha ha... we would walk through the woods and yell at security guards to give chase... ha ha ha... they were slow)
5. disgusting things (ya know what a food fight is? try it w/ something like horse manure... ha ha... thats a LONG story)

lol... just a few

GREG@94GT 03-31-2006 09:24 PM

oh yeh.. and its awesome when ya get caught and they give you Out Of Scool Suspension...

ha ha... they reward you w/ a day off of school... roflmao @ them idiots

Grimmz 04-01-2006 12:54 AM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
I wouldnt even worry about it.
The guy is a douche and shouldnt be the principle if that is the way he behaves.
There wont be any ticket, and if there is the court will throw it out.

My rec? Go find his daughter and **** her. Get a pic of you givin it to her nasty, then give him the pics. Thats what my buddy pete did. well.... he also got expelled immediatly afterwards...

LMAO great advice, and when you do it, show him like Borrat... "wana see pix of my sister...first one is sister, second is you bangin the daughter...LOl...

Originally Posted by MT's#1Customer!
4 - Tell the principal this "look, I dont intend to cause you any trouble or anyone else. In fact, I intend to do well and succeed in life so that I can be a lot more then a HS principal someday"

yeah, but more and more principles are Dr.'s now, and at my hs and other private schools the principle and president gets paid very well, lemi put it this way, my school shelled out 90 grand per year for my football coach, now u gotta figure the princ. and pres. aren't doin that poorly...i'm thinkin mid 100's... thats not bad for a teacher...

madmatt 04-01-2006 04:59 AM

First piece of advice, DONT BE A SMARTASS. Youll get a LOT farther in life that way with dickheads like that. I know you werent doing anything wrong, but in a situation like that, knowing how the guy is, try to just keep it to yes sir/no sir conversation. Now, unless he puts signs up over the weekend, youll be fine. Just be polite, and ESPECIALLY dont make any comments like that to the police.

WaterDR 04-01-2006 05:23 AM

BTW, my comments were meant to be a tad funny! So don't take me seriously....especially the last one.

HS principals do NOT get paid in the mid 100's. My Dad taught for 42 years in an upscale Chicago Suburbs and was a department head most of those years. You might find someone in the 90's but that is about it. Sure, there might be rare exceptions or special private schools that pay big buck, but I would be willing to bet that is you took a survey of all principals across the country the average is about 70k.

Also, dont forget a principal is a year-around job and a teacher gets more time off...this si why my dad never went into administration. He ran a private golf course in the summer called Old Wayne Country Club off of RT 64 in Il. Everyone that worked there was a teacher so they could make more money on the side.

Teaching is NOT a field you do for the money...or at least it should not. They are public servants and paid accordingly.

madmatt 04-01-2006 05:46 AM

Originally Posted by Grimmz
LMAO great advice, and when you do it, show him like Borrat... "wana see pix of my sister...first one is sister, second is you bangin the daughter...LOl...

yeah, but more and more principles are Dr.'s now, and at my hs and other private schools the principle and president gets paid very well, lemi put it this way, my school shelled out 90 grand per year for my football coach, now u gotta figure the princ. and pres. aren't doin that poorly...i'm thinkin mid 100's... thats not bad for a teacher...

Actually, the head football coach is usually bringing in more than the principals.

spike_africa 04-01-2006 11:02 AM

your a jackass for stopping.

Grimmz 04-01-2006 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by MT's#1Customer!
BTW, my comments were meant to be a tad funny! So don't take me seriously....especially the last one.

HS principals do NOT get paid in the mid 100's. My Dad taught for 42 years in an upscale Chicago Suburbs and was a department head most of those years. You might find someone in the 90's but that is about it. Sure, there might be rare exceptions or special private schools that pay big buck, but I would be willing to bet that is you took a survey of all principals across the country the average is about 70k.

Also, dont forget a principal is a year-around job and a teacher gets more time off...this si why my dad never went into administration. He ran a private golf course in the summer called Old Wayne Country Club off of RT 64 in Il. Everyone that worked there was a teacher so they could make more money on the side.

Teaching is NOT a field you do for the money...or at least it should not. They are public servants and paid accordingly.

true true, i know u were just jokin, but lemi just put it this way, my high school tuition 3 years ago was 11 grand... that was the second cheapest in the area, the highest being Bullis School which is something like 25 a year, and then theres Georgetown Prep which i believe was something like 16 a year (this hs has a 9 hole golf course, dorms two full statiums and 3-4 regular fields, it's freakin HUGE... so if they principles aren't gettin move then 100 i'd be VERY VERY surprised,... my sr. year our hs coach was the highest paid high school coach in the nation... (Elliot Usalack, head coach of Navy, coached at MD, UColorado coached Cordell Stewart there, Western Michigan and a bunch of others i forgot, but he's at Georgetown university now, or rather he was there two years ago so i have no idea where he is now...) but point being alota these private schools have LOTS of money and 100 grand is nothing to them...

ps. yes i realize tuition doesn't pay for these's the donations from the alumni... oh and we have a cell tower on campus thats i think 1 million (highest point in NW DC...)

4.6 Love 04-01-2006 11:34 AM

Lmao @ you....high school...aahhh the memories..anyways i never had a problem with my school principal. I was in auto tech from my sophomore year and the principal use to bring his beater in there for free oil changes, tune ups, brake changes. etc. and he was always cool with us since we worked on his car for free.;) When I got to school late and needed a tardy pass from the the office he'd give me one with no questions asked. When I would get referrals "get written up" for misconduct and the teachers would send me to the office, most of the time they would send me to one of the assistant principals and i'd be like "well if you're gonna write me up, you'd better make it count and send me to the principal" and suckers would fall for it thinking i'd be in bigger trouble. I'd go in there and he'd be like "what did you do now miguel"? And he would let me chill in his office until that period was over with and let me go to my next class as if nothing happened.:cool:.....
And as stated before....i would not have stopped unless it was a peace officer in front of me...I would have started honking until the fawker moved and came to my window and took off on his ass...;)

WaterDR 04-01-2006 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by Grimmz
true true, i know u were just jokin, but lemi just put it this way, my high school tuition 3 years ago was 11 grand... that was the second cheapest in the area, the highest being Bullis School which is something like 25 a year, and then theres Georgetown Prep which i believe was something like 16 a year (this hs has a 9 hole golf course, dorms two full statiums and 3-4 regular fields, it's freakin HUGE... so if they principles aren't gettin move then 100 i'd be VERY VERY surprised,... my sr. year our hs coach was the highest paid high school coach in the nation... (Elliot Usalack, head coach of Navy, coached at MD, UColorado coached Cordell Stewart there, Western Michigan and a bunch of others i forgot, but he's at Georgetown university now, or rather he was there two years ago so i have no idea where he is now...) but point being alota these private schools have LOTS of money and 100 grand is nothing to them...

ps. yes i realize tuition doesn't pay for these's the donations from the alumni... oh and we have a cell tower on campus thats i think 1 million (highest point in NW DC...)

You are talking about about perhaps one school in a 100,000 like the one you attend. This is not the real world.

DarkSith 04-01-2006 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by Badfish
although you can't get in trouble with the law...since it's "his" school he can stop you from driving the car to school..

I'm in a similar situation with our school cop ( City police dept. assigned to our school) he's a real asshole, almost had my car impounded

Damm, almost impounded, was that for the donut's in the parking lot.

The cop at my school got me ritten up and threatened me with a sound ordinance ticket for my exhaust, wich is'nt really that loud. "BitKh"

Milos 04-01-2006 06:02 PM

dont worry HS is gay all the administartors hate people with nice cars...
So true.

First things first, your first mistake was giving your vice principal attitude... dude I get **** for talking back ALL the time, and thats usually the thing that causes principal's to be really gay like that, is because you antagonize them.
Let me give you an example..

My first semester English class I got kicked out a total of 12 times, suspended twice because this bitch had it out for me. Now as soon as you go down to the office and say its her fault, they automatically take up the position of the teacher (understandable.) I had to bring in my father and play the lawyer card (as a shot across the bow, so to speak) before I finally got them off my back. But ever since then, everytime I get into trouble I get the FULL punishment.

Now, second part to this story. I had a friendly wager with a couple of friends of mine that I could take a 5-gallon water jug (like those office jugs that you flip upside down and you get hot, cold, some of you older guys know), to my third period class and then back to my second period class before the passing bell rang. I did it, but I got narced out by a kid that doesn't like me. I get escorted down to the office by the Vice Principal who accuses me of being a terrorist (tampering with a public water supply) and theft (stealing a... 5-gallon water jug) although I brought it back 4 minutes after I took it (without the office knowing). Now through the defitinitions of the words, I can definetly be suspended... (getting called down Monday)

Why? because I always tend to argue with people in authority. Teachers, Vice Principals... dude I've been thrown out of Basketball games by COPS...

So when it comes down to it.. be subservient (sp). The Principal can call the cops (but they have no evidence that you were speeding), however he CAN change the speedlimit since he's on school property... does it need to be posted, probably, but I'm not too sure.

Just be cool, relax, and tell the truth, its pretty much already been said.

Milos 04-01-2006 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by MT's#1Customer!
HS principals do NOT get paid in the mid 100's.
Vice Principal Yankowski get's $120,000, Principal Bacewicz gets $150,000

Don't believe me? I live in the richest town, in the richest county (per capita anyway), in the richest state of the richest country in the world... they pay our principals MAD dough.

Icefreezen 04-01-2006 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by spike_africa
your a jackass for stopping.

Exactly.........that way he wouldnt have gotten your lisence plate and you wouldnt have to talk to that retard....they still cant give you a ticket no posted sign no ticket.

roushrider81 04-01-2006 06:38 PM

dude you guys dont understand. if i wouldn't have stopped he probaly would have put a warrant out for my arrest lol....he suspended a kid for 50 school days for being high....last year with the old principle it was only 5 school days

Icefreezen 04-01-2006 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by roushrider81
dude you guys dont understand. if i wouldn't have stopped he probaly would have put a warrant out for my arrest lol....he suspended a kid for 50 school days for being high....last year with the old principle it was only 5 school days

:icon_bs: he wouldnt have done s*** seriously. His authority lies in school the cops are going to laugh at him for being a anal retentive asshat.

Milos 04-01-2006 07:07 PM

Originally Posted by Icefreezen
:icon_bs: he wouldnt have done s*** seriously. His authority lies in school the cops are going to laugh at him for being a anal retentive asshat.

an anal.... retentive... asshat...

priceles, priceless.

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