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jeredan2003 03-12-2006 12:06 AM

Mods or Payoff Car?
Well I found out that If I make 2 payments a month, I will payoff the GT in November!!!:banana: So should I just use the money for more mods or payoff the car early? I want the mods now but I think I may be able to do more if the car is paid for.

SpinMedia 03-12-2006 12:27 AM

You have no clue how great of a feeling it was to pay off my car and say that its MINE.

3V2000GT 03-12-2006 12:30 AM

I would do mods, what kind of mods are u lokking to do? paying off the car would be nice but so would a little extra horsepower and making double playments would suck, u would be paying wice as much a month for the same thing, i mean the car is going to get paid off anyway so yeah do what u want, each has its benefits, i paid off my car and now i am strictly doing mods and its awesome, but u could do the same thing with that little extra money a month, or better yet just pay a little more a motnh not twice as much
just my 75 cents

madmatt 03-12-2006 07:31 AM

PAY THE CAR OFF!!! You will save paying interest and once you dont have a car payment, you have THAT much more money to spend on mods. PAY IT OFF!!!!!

csledd 03-12-2006 08:37 AM

for real.. pay it off and then you'll have all that extra money for whatever

dannyb785 03-12-2006 10:04 AM it off

dannyb785 03-12-2006 10:07 AM

If you mod little by little as you pay off your car, just think, once it's paid off, then you can lower your insurance anf then go mod crazy with the few extra hundred bucks per month(whatever you're paying).

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